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Thread: Now look what you made me do!!!!

  1. #31

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    Pee Wee’s was the next stop. They had to unfurl the Canadian flag for us! Cool spot on the cliffs. Not a place to bring the kids.

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    After that we hit Bella Donna’s. She gave everyone on the bus a big hug as they got off. She also came around with some salad for everyone to try.

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    The last stop was at Sir D Firewater Love Nest. I am sure that we scared the daylights out of the people who thought they were going to enjoy a quiet sunset! The bar tender and her young assistant made sure everyone was taken care of right away so that we could watch the sun sink into the ocean.

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    Lenbert then took those that wanted to Rick’s. He came back and the first stop was SeaStar. A bunch of people decided that they were going to continue the party here. Lenbert made arrangements to come back for them later. We were kind of beat at this point and were also hungry so we headed back to Rooms.

    Dinner was at Rondel Village. We just went simple with a couple of pasta with tomato sauce, I had a beer and the bill was $23.50 US. The pasta was very good and the pumpkin soup beforehand was also very good. On our way back we met the guy from Blue Dandy that I had bought from the night before. I tried to jog his memory but at first he did not remember me. Once the fog cleared he did and then I paid him the $100 JA I owed him. He had 8 chickens to sell that night and he had already sold 4. The barrel is his second job as his first is “farming”. Really nice guy and not pushy.

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  2. #32

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    Can't wait till we hit the Love Bus tour. That bus will be swaying!!! And farmers....I love meeting farmers, coming from a rural society of course.
    Rise early, treat everyday as though it's your last and your last day as it's your first.

  3. #33

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    Very nice report!! Ty for taking the time. Great pictures too!
    "I'll love you till the stars fall out of the sky "


  4. #34

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    Thank you everyone for the kind comments. Without the knowledge I gained from all of your posts this trip would not have been nearly as fun.

    Day 6

    We had to get some sand gravity back so it was another day at the beach but first I needed some more money. No problem, I will walk to Times Square and use the ATM, I’ve done my research so it will only take half an hour. Wrong! ATM at Times Square is not working. Start out for town and decide I should just hop in a cab. Numerous white plate cars try to stop for me but I waive them on. The first red plat stops and I say $100 JA to town? He looks at me like; you are not supposed to know that! He was a nice guy and dropped me off right at the Scotia Bank. Problems solved, or wait – not so fast. Scotia is down as well. I spot the Royal Bank ATM and fend off a money changer as I only have a couple of hundred JA on me and I also learned on this board that this is not a smart thing to do. Now I pull the rookie mistake. I withdraw $2500 JA, well that’s only going to last for an hour or so. I then withdrew $20000 JA. The only way I was able to get money from this machine was by doing a cash advance from my Visa. I also knew from someone’s report that you had to push the button to get out – thanks to whoever that was.

    $20000 JA = $237.40 CDN + $5.00 International ABM Fee.

    1.00 CDN = 82.47 JA.

    10 JA = .12 CDN.

    Therefore a beer at the Sunnyside Bar was costing me $150 JA or $1.80 CDN versus $2.00 US if I paid in US funds. That is .20 a beer x 6 beers for the week so I saved 1.20 by using JA currency.

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    On the way down the street a guys stops me to sell me coconut wata and jelly. I took the time to listen to his spiel and told him no thanks I really did not want any. “Mumble, Mumble - bumba klot Canadians”. I just walked away. I went over the bridge as I wanted to see the fishing village and boats. At the other end of the bridge I stopped to wait for a cab. A tour driver across the road asked if I was okay and I told him I was just waiting for a cab back to Rooms. He asked if I knew that it should cost $100 JA and I told him I did. Hopped in a cab with two nice ladies on their way to work. We got talking and the driver passed Rooms, brake stand to a stop and I am home again.

    Lunch was at the Bourbon Beach. 2 ¼ chickens with rice and peas, 2 rum punches - $1850 JA

    Menu Board

    1/4 450
    1/2 900
    3/4 1350
    Whole 1700

    1/4 500
    1/2 1000
    3/4 1500

    1/2 with fries 700
    Full with fries 1400

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    We got pulled back to the Italian Café for dinner. Shrimp pizza, 2 glasses of wine - $2650 JA. They really should lower their prices for a bottle of wine. $30.00 US for a bottle that sells next door for $9.85 is too much of a mark up. We went back to Rooms and brought wine down to the patio to finish the night off.

    Day 7

    The last full day, or so we thought.

    The lifeguard/beach guy took down a coconut for us to drink the water from. Nice morning drink.

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    My wife had burnt her face the day before so I bought some Aloe Vera from a vendor to help ease some of the pain. She had been using SPF 55 face lotion but I guess it was not enough.

    Chill day on the beach. Fruits, nuts, patties, aloe and beer. All without moving too far from our loungers. My wife liked the veggie patties. I bought one for her and 2 chicken ones for me. I gave one to the lifeguard/beach guy at the resort that had given us the coconut.

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    Dinner was at LTU. We called and asked for a pickup in 20 minutes. Byron was waiting for us at the front of the resort. Really nice guy, former restaurateur that hopes to open another one some day. On the way up the cliffs his alternator belt packs it in. So we are driving up the cliffs with the lights off to keep the battery from being drained! But wait, the radio is still on as you have to have music or you might as well just have the battery die and stop.

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    Aubie came by and said hello. Really nice guy. I had the Aubie burger and my wife had the curried chicken. The burger was one of the best burgers I have ever had . It is served on hard dough and I could not finish all of it. 2 meals, 2 beers and 1 rum punch - $3095 JA. The rum punch was very strong. We chilled for a while and listened to the DJ for Pull Up Friday and had a couple of more drinks each. A rum punch and beer was $800 JA.

    We went outside to find Bryon to head back. From one of the cabbies out front - “Who you looking for” I said Byron because he was giving us a ride home. “Me don’t know Byron”. Just then Byron comes out from the bar and guides us to his car that has been repaired. I asked him if he know the other cabbie and he told me that he had for most of his life. The guy was just trying to scam his ride. $10.00 + tip for the ride back as the ride in was free. We stopped at Shamrock for some beer and soursop, rum and fruit punch $2350 JA.

    The rest of the night was spent on the patio trying to use up the remnants of our meager bar and have some rum punch.
    Last edited by OUV11112; 04-05-2012 at 08:04 AM.

  5. #35

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    Incredibly tight details. Loving this report. You give the facts and let us draw our conclusions -- like a true journalist! Very very very impressive.

  6. #36

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    Day 8

    This was our homeless day as we had to be out of the room by 11.00 AM. We packed up so that we would be ready to go and then hit the beach. We went for a bit of a walk but the blisters on my heels prevented me from going too far. I got them from walking on the beach on the second day.

    Lunch was at Roots Bambo. One of the other guests told us that they have boneless jerk chicken. Surprise, it was not on the menu but they did have it. We split one and it was a large carry out container with lots of chicken, rice and peas and a salad. It was very good and plenty for two. $851 JA plus $400 JA for two beers while waiting for it to be brought out. It is so cool to walk down the beach in your swim suit with no shoes and be able to get a meal to stay or to go. After writing this I now realize one aspect of why hanging out on 7 mile beach at a non A/I is more relaxing than going to an A/I. No service at most A/I lunch locations without shirts and shoes. On the beach no shirt, no shoes, no problem!

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    The rest of the afternoon was spent on the beach enjoying the last of the sun. A few couples we had met offered their rooms for us to shower in and get ready but we just hit the beach showers and got changed in the washrooms. We walked slowly to the front desk to repack some things. We were then told that our flight was delayed for 2 hours. We had booked Engelbert to pick us up at 5.50 PM and did not think it was fair to hold him off, even thought I am sure he would have said no problem, and meant it. We went over to The Italian Café for a quick pizza and a beer. $950 JA. Walked back to the resort and Engelbert was waiting for us. It was a good drive back with more pleasant conversation. Engelbert wants his son to come live with him so that he can help him with school and show him the ropes of the tourism industry. He dropped us off at the airport, handshake for me and a hug for my wife.

    Now we knew that it was going to be a long wait at the airport but that was no problem. We bought some duty free, wandered around for a ½ hour and settled in to a bar at the departure gate for me to partake of a few last Red Stripes, watch a couple of soccer games and for my wife to have a nap. After 3 beers I figured it was time to go grab a cat nap. We wandered down the departure lounge and found some seats well away from everyone and laid down for a nap. I get woken buy someone sitting on the other side of the bench I was sleeping on, leaning over to plug in a laptop. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! There are 300 empty benches in the airport. They when announce a gate change that will be closer where we were. Half of the herd migrates down to the area even though there is still an hour to go. We also find out that there is another delay in the flight so instead of 9.50 it will be 12.40. “Grumble, grumble, curse, curse - I am never flying with these guys again, don’t they know I have a ride waiting for me……..” You get the picture.

    12.40 comes and goes but the plane is at the gate. They make an announcement and it sounds like she is using the speaker from the McDonalds as you can only make out ever 3rd word. The jist of it is that one of the passengers on the inbound flight became very sick and they needed an ambulance. They had called ahead but it still took a ½ hour from the time the plane reached the gate until they arrived. They then had to stabilize him before taking him off. It is now 1.30 or so and the pilot comes off the plane to make an announcement that they used 4 tanks of oxygen and this put them 2 below the minimum needed to fly. They were working on it but the fittings that they had in Mo Bay were not the same. He did not want to board the plane until they were assured that they could be filled or replaced. More “Grumble, grumble, curse, curse, curse – I should have flown Air Canada (That would have been smart because they went on strike the week before!) I am going to rent my own jet next time (That’s not a reality when you obviously stayed at The Negril Have A Nap Motel!)

    We finally got to board at around 3.00 AM but the fun did not end there. They were still having trouble with the last oxygen tank. The pilot came on the intercom and apologized as he would not have boarded us if he had known it would still be this long. They had promised him that it would be arriving shortly. I wanted to ask him if he had ever been to Jamaica and did he know that the definition of shortly can be interpreted many different ways! We finally took off at 3.55 which was the time we were supposed to arrive in Toronto.

    My wife and I did not care that the plane was late. We had more concern for the poor person that started the day thinking they were going on a dream vacation and ended up in a hospital. What a dramatic experience it must have been for his family/travelling companions. We were going home safe and sound having had a fabulous vacation and we had our health. There is no using getting bent out of shape for things such as a flight delay that you can’t control.

    We arrived home at 9.00AM instead of 4.00AM and were greeted by our dog and within an hour or so by our daughters, who finally rolled out of bed. Our oldest had gone shopping and there was food for a couple of days, a couple of bottles of wine (and a box of wine in the fridge for herself) and a six pack of Red Stripe. Life is good
    Last edited by OUV11112; 04-09-2012 at 07:08 AM.

  7. #37

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    Loved your trip report!! You have the right attitude for Jamaica. "There is no using getting bent out of shape for things such as a flight delay that you can’t control." Who is this Englebert - he sounds great. Can you share his contact info? Not this reach but perhaps the next, I would like to make a school visit with some supplies.


  8. #38

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    I really loved your trip report! Thank you for posting this!
    Great details and awesome photos!
    My favorite picture is the Sunnyside sign with the crystal clear ocean calm as a swimming pool...
    I can't wait to step onto that beach again
    Carpe Diem

  9. #39

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    Great report with so many strong and clear details. Love the report and LOVE your attitude. Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip.

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