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Thread: WE DID IT!! We just pushed the button!! We're going back to Jamaica!

  1. #21

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    We wanted to stay in Pisces for the last few day of our next trip but it got booked before we could settle on dates Now were looking for an alternative but may just end up staying at the Blue Cave for the entire 10 days.

    Good hear you two will be getting another trip in before you start your family. Enjoy!

    Blue Cave Castle '12, '13 '14 '15 '16 Catcha Falling Star '13 Boardwalk Village '14 '15

  2. #22

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    Clarity congrats!!! I'm so sad for your loss and really hope you're time with Marcus in JA will be exactly what you need to reflect, remember and heal.

    Bless up! I just got booked too, so excited....we'll be at catcha but probably not the same dates you will. Sure we'll run into eachother. SEE YOU IN JaMAIca!
    Stir IT UP

  3. #23

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    That is GREAT news...I can't wait to meet you while I'm there!!

    Sooooooooooooo this means you all will be at the Boardie Bash!!??

  4. #24

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    Yes they will be at the Boardie Bash AND on the Boardie day trip!

    Woo Hoo

  5. #25

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    I finally get to meet Daisy and Markus. I don't get to stay as long (now I wish there was some way I could but refuse to pay the prices to change my ticket). I tried to wait for the sweet spot but it never came for me. The message I got today was the price went up $57. Glad I got it when I did! Still kicking myself for not getting it sooner.
    Happy holiday family time!

  6. #26

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    Clarity - I know how you are feeling. After I lost my Mum, I booked and was in Negril two weeks later. I needed the peace and calm I find there. It is a wonderful place to heal. Perhaps we will meet since I will be there too.
    Irie Sue

  7. #27

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    Booking a trip back to Negril can certainly help cure a funk/depression.

    We lost our son-in-law a few months after we brought he and our daughter there. Like you, just couldn't get moving in life for awhile after that. Since we received the news of his death the first day my husband and I landed back in Jamaica, we weren't sure if Negril would hold that same spark for us.

    However, we returned 6 months later and the trip was magical. We sent a letter off into the ocean that our daughter wrote to him from his favorite spot on the cliffs. Saw the 100's of starfish off Citronella he saw on our trip there together. We left Negril re-energized and with a new love for the special place it is. And have returned since then.

    This trip is just what you needed. Hope it's as magical as ours was.


  8. #28

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    Thanks Everyone!!

    Marley - I know! I'm so excited!! I woke up so happy this morning, despite the pounding headache from celebrating a little too much with Markus last night. lol! Thanks for sending all the irie vibes! It worked!

    Spottycatz,Brasi,TIZZY, Jim-Donna, Lorax2, Luvsdaisland, Delta, SLP - We look forward to meeting you guys! We'll be on the boardie bus trip, boardie bash, and Seastar both Saturday nights. (21st & 28th) So I'm sure all of our paths will cross at some point! Can't wait!

    K3 - Yay! Thank you for signing my book! When I told Rob that I'd be back to pick it up in April, I didn't really think that would happen. It was just a dream, wishful thinking... but now we're actually doing it! We're going back!

    Aud-A-Sea - I'm sorry to hear about your son in law, That sounds like such a magical and healing trip. I hope our trip will also help us heal and re-energize us.
    Thank you...
    Last edited by Clarity; 03-01-2012 at 02:09 PM.
    Carpe Diem

  9. #29

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    I'm so happy that you've decided to take another trip! You will really enjoy being there for the boardie bash - I've been lucky enough to attend several of them, and have met so many great people, and it's so much fun to put faces to the names on the board & chats. Wish I could be there in April to meet you, but it's not in the cards until the summer for me. Enjoy!!

  10. #30

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    Good for you Clarity and Marcus- I went to Jam. after my Brothers untimely passing-just to get away,a change of venue and some time to meditate in a beautiful place...

    April is one of my favorite times to go-less people,awesome weather....

    and somehow I still see you two going to Jam-with the likkle ones in tow.......
    " Ones destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." (Henry Miller)

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