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Thread: Going to the airport - your preferred method of travel

  1. #1

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    Wink Going to the airport - your preferred method of travel

    I treat each trip back to the island just as it were my first and each step involved with me getting there is a big deal - including my method of travel going to the airport. I've done taxi, train and airport shuttle but this time around I want to go all out and hire a town car or maybe even a limo service to start the trip off on a special note. Am I the only one that believes that the trip to JA starts once we leave for the airport, not when we actually arrive on the island? How do you all prefer to get to your airports?
    “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

  2. #2

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    Oh, I think the trip starts for sure on the way to the airport. Unfortunately, we live so far away we have to drive! I would definitely take a limo if we were close enough!

  3. #3

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    Can't say I know when one trip ends and the next starts. I call the yard twice a week and talk to Mommy here in the States just as often.

    It's only 5 - 6 hours door to door from my house in the States to the yard in Spring Garden. Just your basic commute.

    Since my return two years ago I (we) physically go for a long weekend or a week four times a year.

    Seems like I'm always there. The good part is that I'm leaving more clothes at the yard each time.

    Pretty soon I won't have to carry much at all.
    Last edited by captaind; 03-04-2012 at 09:53 AM.
    Linston's Zion Hill Taxi

    Captain Dave

  4. #4

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    Our vacation most definitely starts with the trip to the airport. It takes us 3 hours to drive to Chicago but once we're at our hotel: let the celebration begin! Just not too much celebrating, no fun to fly with a hangover.
    If we lived closer I'd hire a limo for sure!

    2017 was our 15th trip to Negril. Other islands we visited: Cozumel, Mexico (4 times) St. Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Aruba, Harbour Island, Bahamas, Anguilla, St. Maarten/St.Martin, Ambergris Caye, Belize (twice)

  5. #5

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    TFW do you use short/long term airport parking? The few times I've driven to the airport I usually have a family member drive my car back and keep it to pick me up upon my return.

    Captaind can I just say that I'm a bit envious of your proximity to yard? LOL

    Rumrunner now that sounds like a great start to a trip (hotel room the night before)!
    “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

  6. #6

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    Shuttle service. I don't have to stress over parking, leaving my car unattended, the cost (expensive when it's for several weeks), traipsing around w/ luggage (minimal w/ the shuttle service), etc. It's only a 20-25 minute drive so not too pricey. I feel like my trip begins when I get to the airport.

  7. #7

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    I live Philly not too far from the Airport. My first 6 trip I took a Taxi. Easy breezy rice and peasy. Trip #7 I took puplic transportation. I left out at 410 in the AM. I'm only a block from the bus stop but it seemed like the longist walk ever. 1 suit case, 1 laptop bag, 1 carryon. Was surprised to see so much traffic out at that time of morning. Get the bus stop 10 min early, just to have the bus come 10 min late. Took the bus to the train 30 min wait. This Friday I'll go back to taking a Taxi!

  8. #8

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    we drive to Chicago the day before, check into Hotel,have nice dinner...take free shuttle to OHare.......
    (car is parked at Hotel for 1 to 2 weeks for free)....call Hotel upon arrival, the pick us up, drive to to Hotel Parking lot...and 2 hrs later were home........
    "One of the laundry gals pipes up ,,"LOOK AT DA BLOOD"
    "YES,THAT WOULD BE MINE" I said as my leg that at first gave no pain, started dishing it out in large bunches........"

    want more read our blog? our first trip.........http://negril.com/forum/entry.php?58...-The-Beginning

  9. #9

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    Long-term parking
    I always ask a family member if they'd drive us and they always say no, lol.

  10. #10

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    This time our flight is at 07:30. That's a bit to early to get to MCO from St.Augustine so we're staying at one of the 19 billion motels in Orlando and going out to one of the 13 Billion restaurants.
    Linston's Zion Hill Taxi

    Captain Dave

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