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Thread: Prince Harry to jump of the cliffs at Rick's Tonight

  1. #1

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    Prince Harry to jump of the cliffs at Rick's Tonight

    It is going to be hot hot hot!!!!!


  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    I would jump on a boat quick quick quick and go watch from the sea. I love the Royals LOL.

  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    WOW now I would like to see that! He is SO CUTE!!~~~
    "I'll love you till the stars fall out of the sky "


  4. #4

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    I wonder if he will run around soliciting tips from the tourists first?

  5. #5

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    I'm sure he'll make a royal splash

    Blue Cave Castle '12, '13 '14 '15 '16 Catcha Falling Star '13 Boardwalk Village '14 '15

  6. #6

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    big deal...i jumped from cliffs 30 years ago...lol

  7. #7

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    Seeing Prince Harry in Negril would rank right up there with my current 2 biggies -- Beres Hammond and Magic Johnson. What a diverse group ; !

  8. #8

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    Ok someone take a pic or a video or I'm not believeing this one.

    Col. Andy

  9. #9

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    i might have to go to ricks tonight...

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by BreanaAshlee View Post
    i might have to go to ricks tonight...
    Yes, go!

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