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Thread: What to take for the little guy

  1. #11

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    I would pack a small ziploc with some of those individual packets of powdered Pedialyte. They can be added to bottled water to reconstitute. So much better than lugging those big bottles of Pedialyte in your suitcase, and they really help to keep the lil one hydrated during the hot days. Instead of a life jacket, you might want to consider getting one of those all in one swimsuit with floaties built in. This one has the advantage of SPF+50 sunscreen built into the fabric: http://www.amazon.com/Floating-Swims...ref=pd_sim_t_4
    The stroller might be helpful to you in the airports, because you can safely strap him in without worrying about him in crowds and you won't have to carry him around. Also, you can easily gate check it when you board the flight. However, I don't think it will be that useful in the sand, or that safe to use on the sides of road with those crazy fast drivers!
    Just try to keep your little one in the shade as much as possible, and keep him hydrated with fluids. You will both have a wonderful trip!!!!

  2. #12

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    Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!

    I feel a bit better now as I see I was truly on the right path. He has flown before but he was truly a little baby so he slept there and back but that was a domestic flight.

    I will order the floaty suit and his water socks. He hates the feel of grass on his feet so I'm getting the water socks as a precaution in case he hates the sand as well!
    Happy holiday family time!

  3. #13

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    That powdered pedialyte sounds a great idea.

  4. #14

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    I would go with the swim vest. You would be able to put it on and take off as needed, while a floaty suit he would have to keep on, and may feel bulky and uncomfortable while just playing on the beach. A jogging stroller works great on the beach. The smaller umbrella strollers are not good for that. My child has a wheat allergy as well, so bring plenty of gluten free food. An epi-pen is a great thing to keep on hand just in case. Have a great time and take lots of pix

  5. #15

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    Love the epi pen suggestion too. you never know.

  6. #16

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    The Epi pen is a must even going to the grocery store!!! So far haven't had to use it (thank you Jesus) but I'm really dilligent about what I allow him to eat. I went to a Jamaican restaurant here for dinner last week and fed the chickn rick and peas ans calaloo to him and there were no issues. Gonna do it again this friday and the next couple just to make sure.

    Thanks Cassidy. Now I hope we get to use this thing! LOL. He likes water and likes splashing but once it gets in his face he is done! I do know one of the days I'm supposed to go to the waterpark (sooooo not my idea) so the life vest would be better so he can have his own instead of wearing one that would be provided.

    Thinking about it more, gonna forego the stroller. That's too much stuff. I have a little push thingy that attaches to his car seat that would help me maneuver him through the airports. So if you see us I will be the one walking at .5 miles an hour while my little one runs at .4 miles an hour. We will probably stop at just about every place before we make it to our intended destination! LOL
    Happy holiday family time!

  7. #17

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    I meant to add that another hidden secret of the Pedialyte packs is that it's also great as a hangover remedy for adults! Rehydrates your body very quickly after a night of drinking :-) You can easily find the packets in the baby aisle of grocery stores or pharmacies. Amazon sells them too if you want them shipped to you. My boyfriend is a CrossFit fanatic, and he and his gym buddies apparently prefer Pedialyte over Gatorade. They say it's more effective in replenishing electolytes and is lower carb than Gatorade.

    Also, make sure to pack an extra outfit in your carry- on for both you and baby. You never know if baby might get sick or spill something on you during flight. And, always carry more diapers/wipes than you think you will need in the carry-on. I've been on delayed/grounded flights before with a baby and went through what I thought would be my extra diapers/wipes rather quickly

    But, most of all, remain flexible, and I think you and your toddler will have a blast!
    Last edited by Eden; 03-09-2012 at 05:30 PM.

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