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Thread: Who else likes to treat themselves to little gifts BEFORE landing in Negril?

  1. #1

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    Who else likes to treat themselves to little gifts BEFORE landing in Negril?

    When I prepare for a trip, I try to get the most of it. One of the things I love to do is pamper myself with a few new things in my luggage for Negril -- not necessarily expensive but stuff like new socks and underwear, a few new shirts or shorts, a new book, a new CD, that sort of stuff.

    I love the take the tags off in my Negril hotel room. Makes it that much more special. Can anyone relate?

    Also, it's a sentimental joy to wear a specific cologne or soap for the first time while in Negril. Then, when you come home and use it again in, say, six months later, the scent reminds you of the trip. Maybe I am just a nut .....

  2. #2

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    Indeed! I took some hand soap my first trip, and to this day, everytime I use that brand I am transported back to Jamaica the moment I smell that scent! This trip, think I'll take a new scented soap for fun

  3. #3

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    No, you are not a nut! (or maybe I'm a nut too) I purposly brought new soap, perfume, etc. for the same reason.

    New clothes are always fun too!

    Happy travels!

  4. #4

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    I buy new everything for my trips.. Its a treat for me..

  5. #5

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    Funny about the scent thing Gerry. A lot of research points to the sense of smell as having the strongest memory trigger of all the senses. New cologne for each trip would help separate and enhance your memories from each of your reachs. Probably a helpful little tool for you!
    What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding?

  6. #6

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    I always purchase something new...for this trip in April EVERYTHING is new...including the luggage!!!!

  7. #7

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    i save all my money for food

    my dad used to tell me - if they haven't seen it before - it's new! :-)

  8. #8

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    Usually buy a new swimsuit and a couple new sundresses. Always buy a jumbo jar of Body Shop's shea butter lotion before the trip to use as moisturizer after being in the sun. When I get back home and use it, the smell always takes me back, especially since it has kind of a coconut scent.

  9. #9

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    No Gerry, you are not a nut. I can totally relate! We all think alike in many ways Negrilholics!
    Live,Stay true to yourself, and Never Compromise for anything

  10. #10

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    all kinds of stuff
    Stir IT UP

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