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Thread: Opinions please,,,What makes a great vacation for you in negril?.

  1. #31

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    Back in the day of my beloved air jamaica out of baltimore, It started at the bar on the concorse with mr big. He had it down he would make us double absolute bloody marys that we would chug 2 apiece and barely make the morning flight. mobay by 11 am the beach by 2 ish. Anyway apon arrival the customs lady usally would say tattoo mon why you spend so much time in jamaica, I would reply mi love da beautiful ladies here she would smile and say go on you crazy mon! lol. out the doors and to the right and then it it would really hit me all the people, the heat, the noise,senses are overloading lol. need cold beer immediatley, look theres a bar now! not like befor when i use to buy cold stripes out of the crowd. ok wheres my driver/ look for a jamaican with dreads ! yea rightlol. Tyrone he always finds me!.Oh the airconditioning in his van truely appreciated 4 sure. now the drive sometimes through town sometimes up the hill behind the red stripe sign sometimes through the old cemetary its all good. Im here finally i think its all amazing. The people the country and the allure of being somewhat magical.anyway how can one explain what makes it special all of it does. yetta has a deep love for the rock, Silver fox 80 plus trips he must like it a little too, and gangsta pat elegance pure elegance. and all the rest of my friends i truly believe they make it special for me...

  2. #32

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    Stepping out of the airport and knowing you just landed in our beloved Jamaica! The stress just melts off of your entire body!

  3. #33

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    Ah Lollypop on di beach.....good stop
    "One of the laundry gals pipes up ,,"LOOK AT DA BLOOD"
    "YES,THAT WOULD BE MINE" I said as my leg that at first gave no pain, started dishing it out in large bunches........"

    want more read our blog? our first trip.........http://negril.com/forum/entry.php?58...-The-Beginning

  4. #34

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    I get a cheesy grin on my face as soon as I can see the island drawing close as I'm on the plane..

    That grin last through the immigration line and the lady stops scowling and smiles back at me..

    I go find a redcap and slip him a ten to help me find my luggage and get it out the door, start the vacay off right, no problem, mon...

    traffic is heavy stop and go stop again and get some cashews hot and fresh..

    then out of town and traffic is light and we pull over to look at a likkle cave..

    I take my first toke, and it is like communion...

    back on the road jammin to Jr. Gong...

    then at my room it's time to drop the suitcases and get into my bathing suit, in a hurry for the last time when in Jamaica...

    and then...

    baptized once more in the crystal clear healing wata of Negril..


  5. #35

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    Stepping of the plane and knowing I will soon be drinking a cold Red Stripe with my toes in the sands and knowing Im going to meet some wonderful friends and locals!!

  6. #36

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    When you make the last turn towards the stretch run just past Green Island, you know you're in pretty good shape ..... It starts setting in .... then the beloved RIU on the right, first official hotel, ya mon.

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