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Thread: all inclusive vs. non all inclusive

  1. #51

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    Wow! There are some AI haters out there. The attitude seems to be either you make friends with total strangers and learn the history, or you're a racist snob. Its really nobodys business how you spend your vacation. Ive ventured out several times, and on smaller trips not so much. This "can of worms" can be somewhat offensive to some people on the forum. How can you stereotype people for not enjoying the same activities that you like??? There's great experiences to be had by all whether you like AI's, non AI's, or both. Do what's best for you and your family!

  2. #52

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shark Bait Bobbitt View Post
    There's great experiences to be had by all whether you like AI's, non AI's, or both.
    Yes, I know negril.com is kind of a rootsy place with many of the top posters regular returnees with their fav little spots.

    But if you're a numbers and facts guy, you've got to respect the AIs in terms of popularity -- big difference when a resort is filled with hundreds of guests compared to a couple dozen rooms like most of the indies ....

  3. #53

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shark Bait Bobbitt View Post
    Wow! There are some AI haters out there. The attitude seems to be either you make friends with total strangers and learn the history, or you're a racist snob. Its really nobodys business how you spend your vacation. Ive ventured out several times, and on smaller trips not so much. This "can of worms" can be somewhat offensive to some people on the forum. How can you stereotype people for not enjoying the same activities that you like??? There's great experiences to be had by all whether you like AI's, non AI's, or both. Do what's best for you and your family!
    Not a hater here, Shark, hope I wasn't coming across that way.

    Even Non-AI's sometimes ban local guests...I definitely dislike that...and imho it is more likely to occur at AIs...I could be wrong an no offense meant to anyone...

    As far as staying @ AIs, not for me in Jamaica, but there are some awesome ones on 7 Mile. My Dad loves Hedo. LOL

    In my book, anyone that loves Jamaica is ok with mi! Have at it and have a blast!

  4. #54

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    I thought everyone loves Hedo. Is this not true????

  5. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shark Bait Bobbitt View Post
    The attitude seems to be either you make friends with total strangers and learn the history, or you're a racist snob.
    Its not that i hate AI's.... They just don't appeal to me

    They are certainly not my cup of tea..

    I however don't believe that those who choose to stay in are ALL racist snobs.. i would certainly hope not since they are visiting a predominately black country. But like you said.. its nobody's business how one chooses to spend their vacation (unless they're posting a trip report).

  6. #56

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    Quote Originally Posted by BreanaAshlee View Post
    I however don't believe that those who choose to stay in are ALL racist snobs.. i would certainly hope not since they are visiting a predominately black country. But like you said.. its nobody's business how one chooses to spend their vacation (unless they're posting a trip report).
    Writing a trip report still doesn't give anyone the right to judge someone else's choices. I understand what you're saying in a roundabout way, but still, saying that anyone who does AI might as well stay home for the week sounds judgmental.

  7. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by tfw73 View Post
    Writing a trip report still doesn't give anyone the right to judge someone else's choices. I understand what you're saying in a roundabout way, but still, saying that anyone who does AI might as well stay home for the week sounds judgmental.
    I didn't say posting a trip report give anyone the right to judge, what i meant when i said that is that you can't say its nobody's business if you are putting your business out there.. i'm sure some of the people who read my trip report were making assumptions and judging.. its human nature..amd i put my business out there..

    as for me being judgmental, yeah, i am a little judgmental,most people are, its certainly not a trait i'm proud of. However, When i said that people who say at AI's and NEVER leave the property might as well have stayed home for a week, i was not meaning to sound judgmental, that's just what i equate never leaving your hotel to, its like being home on a beach here in florida.

    if that makes sense...
    Last edited by BreanaAshlee; 04-02-2012 at 07:47 PM.

  8. #58

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    A lot of locals are employed by those cookie cutters. Plenty of locally grown fruit and veggies on the tables as well.
    I for one feel blessed that I am able to travel to Negril, meet some new friends and party like a rock star regardless of where I stay.
    No judgement, just peace and love.
    Thats the beauty of Jamaica!

  9. #59

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    Let me clarify: an all-inclusive is especially welcome for FIRST-TIME visitors, and in fact I could see how NOT staying at an AI for your very first time could turn someone off Negril (especially if they've never experienced beggars).

    A lot of us like myself and Clarity and Rasta Stan started off AI and even returned to AI while also breaking out, so it's not out of line at all to suggest an AI in Negril, especially on the first reach or two .... It's only natural to branch out if you see the same Entertainment and the same basic Buffet every reach at the same place ... Then again, NO PLACE has more loyal returnees than Hedo (though the attraction might be more than the included food n drinks, lol).

  10. #60

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    For those of you lucky enough to live in warmer climates with access to great beaches, I'm jealous! Coming from Michigan, especially in the winter, I'm just glad for the opportunity every couple of years to get to put my feet in the warm sands, toss back a few Red Stripes, and lay my head on a pillow at night wherever in Negril that may be.

    I think I am misunderstanding you, Bren. If one stays at an AI and posts a trip report, are they opening themselves up to being judged as having less of an experience?

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