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Thread: Take a hike buddy. paths through the bush and villages.

  1. #1

    User Info Menu

    Take a hike buddy. paths through the bush and villages.

    So when is it time to hold hands and start walking?. Or do you prefer hiking around alone?.Anyone ever hang a right out of sea star and go the opposite way from the west end road?, Out past the overflow house?. Back into the bush and the village?. Does anyone know the paths and trails that can get you up to red ground or orange hill?.I wonder if the paths and trails have names?, Does anyone know?. Wouldnt it be cool to walk the paths less traveled by visitors of the island?.Think I will be doing alot of walking mi next reach exploring. someting new mon keeping it fresh. bless.

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    I wish I could recall how many times I have said I was going to bring some sturdy walking shoes to do that. The one time I did.... sand gravity took hold. Full Joy...

    When you do it, post about it... inquiring minds will want to know.


  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    be sure and leave a trail of bread crumbs.......we can find you if you dont show up.......

    just thought........... wont work, they will all be eaten by something...lol
    "One of the laundry gals pipes up ,,"LOOK AT DA BLOOD"
    "YES,THAT WOULD BE MINE" I said as my leg that at first gave no pain, started dishing it out in large bunches........"

    want more read our blog? our first trip.........http://negril.com/forum/entry.php?58...-The-Beginning

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    Id be taking a handheld Gps, preferably one with a trip tick so you can follow the line back.. but even a smartphone with gps would do. Sounds like fun, if it is safe?

  5. #5

    User Info Menu

    I will most certainly be hiking it in the bush in June. If I get lost maybe I will end up on the other side of the island.

  6. #6

    User Info Menu

    Ask locally - it wouldn't hurt. Plus if there are any areas you should avoid, it would be good to know.

  7. #7

    User Info Menu

    We did that in 2009. A goup of us started from MiYard & walked to Red Dragon. From there I am uncertain of the paths we took, however we were led by a Jamaican friend. Our total walk was approx. 5 miles. We ended at our friend's house which is up near Mount Airy.

    Name:  JA 2009 568.jpg
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  8. #8

    User Info Menu

    When you turn right and walk on you will come the t in the road. If you go left and then right again you will end up in Orange Hill? If you right to the sea you are again on Hogg property. If you are asking if it is safe? For the most part that depends on you! Enjoy the walk. Always remember: " Where ever you go! There you are!"

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