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Thread: Airport procedures

  1. #1

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    Airport procedures

    I'm sure this is on this forum somewhere, but I can't find it! I despise looking stupid, so I ask a lot of questions Here's another....

    Since I've NEVER been out of the USA, I would like to know the procedure when I get to Sangster, or what can I expect to do? I have looked at the airport website, but I really don't see any good info.

    Thank you all for the advice you have given me thus far! I don't think I could do this trip...without stress... without you Boardies!

    Much Respect,

    You never see it coming ... and the next thing you know ... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    On the plane ride down they will hand out a arrival/departure slip to fill out. When you land you take that to immigrations and they will
    approve it and give you the stub (do not lose the stub because you need to present it when you leave). Then you get your bags and go
    to another line for customs. They ask what you are bringing in, they want you to declare any gifts or expensive items.
    That's it then you head out the doors on the left and either go to one of the tour desks for your ride and off you go.

    Hope I explained that right ?!

  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    When you get off the plane just following the crowd until you reach IMMIGRATION.

    At the bottom of the ramp there will be employees that will check your documents that you filled out on the plane, if your form is correct they will tell you to proceed to the immigration line. If your form has is any incorrect information or not filled out properly they will tell you to step to the side and correct what needs to be corrected and then you proceed to the immigration line.

    Next you will proceed through a short walkway into another large area where you will retrieve your luggage.

    Next you will proceed to the CUSTOMS area, use the GREEN lines. The RED lines are for Jamaicans and items to declare.

    After clearing Customs proceed out the doors to your left where there will be employees asking you where do you need to go. If you have a driver waiting for you, you will proceed through the doors to your RIGHT. If you are staying at a resort...such as Superclubs you will proceed to the proper tour desk and they will take your information and escort you where you need to be.

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    That is PERFECT information Luvsdaislands just gave you.....nice job!

    The only thing I will add is to be sure to bring a pen on the plane so you can fill out your form, they never have pens to give out. Also, be sure to read the form carefully, newbies always seem to make mistakes and then sometimes they don't have extra forms to give you if you have maken a mistake
    Other than that....follow Luvs directions above, they are spot on!
    Have fun!!!!!

  5. #5

    User Info Menu

    Well, so I thought.... "I bet I can find this form on my airline website!" Low and behold.. there it is! Not the form itself, but an example of how to fill it out. Yay.. no mistakes for this newbie!

    Thanks for the info everyone!

    You never see it coming ... and the next thing you know ... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE

  6. #6

    User Info Menu

    Chooch got the 10,000 foot view of it covered. Here's a little more about each.
    One thing - until you leave the controlled areas of immigration/customs - no cell phone or camera use is allowed.

    First Immigration - make sure to have your form filled out completely. Otherwise a form checker will have you get out of line and go to a side area to complete it.
    They will ask you your departure date and where you will be staying, not much more. The stub Chooch mentioned they will put in your passport - good place to keep it.

    Soon as you leave Immigration, on way to baggage carrousel - there are restrooms and a Currency Exchange window.
    The exchange rate there is significantly less than at cambios/banks elsewhere - so just get enough cash to hold you until town, if any at all.
    The Transfer companies will all take $US. Many will stop once along the way for a break - food/drink/restroom - but they will also take $US, but you get better deal if you have $JA, but not so much better it is worth the airport exchange rate.

    For Customs - there are 2 groups of lines. Red lines for people with something to declare - Green lines for people with nothing to declare.
    The customs form is pretty good about telling you what you should declare - certain plants/fruits, meats, cigarettes above a certain number, gifts, tools, etc.
    If you can travel without declarable items so you can go thru Green lines, it will save you some time.

    Once you leave Customs you are no longer in Controlled area and can use cell/cameras again. You then come into the Ground Transportation area.
    If you are staying at a big AI - they have areas for check-in to collect your bags and direct you to their buses.
    The JUTA desk - for a cheap, but shared, transfer to your hotel is also here - to make arrangements with.
    If you use one of these services, they will direct you to one exit (directly opposite the customs hallway) - that is a more controlled-area for arriving passengers with these type Transfers.

    If you have made your own Transfer arrangements (like with Clive or many others mentioned here), you instead use the exit to the right (when leaving the customs hallway).
    This area is open to the public and way more busy with ride providers of all kinds looking for business.
    Tell whoever approaches you who you have arranged your Transfer with and they will hook you up with them.
    If a friend is meeting you, this is where you would meet them.

    It's not as bad as it sounds. I find if you don't worry about hurrying - and get into mindset that vacation has started so let's slow down - you start enjoying JA sooner.
    Last edited by Ohio_Buckeye_1; 04-11-2012 at 10:41 AM.
    08: Jan-NegrilTreehouse
    08: Nov-RoomsOnTheBeach, Ochi & TobysResort, MoBay
    09: Apr-Legends, Negril
    09: Dec-Legends, Negril
    10: Apr-HolidayInnSunspree, Mobay & SeastarInn, Negril
    10: Nov&Dec-SeastarInn & FunHoliday, Negril & SunsetResort, Treasure Beach
    11: Mar-FootePrints & NegrilBeachClubCondos, Negril
    11: Sep-Legends, Negril
    12: Sep-SeastarInn, Negril
    13: Mar-Match Resort & Bay View Resort, Port Antonio & El Greco, MoBay
    13: Dec-SeastarInn & Shields, Negril & VerneyHouse, MoBay

  7. #7

    User Info Menu

    10,000 foot view !!! HAHHAHA
    that's too much typing for me !!

    I'm surprised I never lost that stub...yet

  8. #8

    User Info Menu

    when you leave the airport....your mind will be greeted by sights, sounds and smells you have never experienced....enjoy it...it will be one of your life's
    wonderful memories you will have forever, no matter how many times you return, and you will....there will NEVER be a FIRST Time again!.....after a lot of trips we wish we could redo our first................welcome
    "One of the laundry gals pipes up ,,"LOOK AT DA BLOOD"
    "YES,THAT WOULD BE MINE" I said as my leg that at first gave no pain, started dishing it out in large bunches........"

    want more read our blog? our first trip.........http://negril.com/forum/entry.php?58...-The-Beginning

  9. #9

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    Rambo you are so right , that first time is a memory never forgotten. wow

  10. #10

    User Info Menu

    Make sure you use blue or BLACK ink!!! One time it was so funny (o.k.funny to me) Jim had a pen with GREEN ink. When he got to the lady she looks him up and says " Mr. JIM why did you use the green ink?" (irriated look here) he looked like a little boy getting scolded. LOL "Go do it again" LOL O.K. at the time, not so funny. you had to be there.
    "I'll love you till the stars fall out of the sky "


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