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Thread: Gerry G's official Negril packing list. Am I forgetting anything?????

  1. #21

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    Wow some great ideas here..keep posting my list is getting longer

  2. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by gerryg123 View Post
    I find Excedrin extra strength BEFORE you go to sleep helps, too.
    Word of caution - Tylenol (Acetominiphen) and ALCOHOL can lead to LIVER FAILURE. It is a dangerous combination and probably not worth the risk. You can help ease morning after distress with vigorous hydration, pedialyte was a good suggestion for correcting some imbalances, save the tylenol until after you have eaten and perhaps, OMG - dare I say it? exercise a touch of moderation. Eat, drink & be merry guys, but it is always better to have memories of really good times than to wonder what went on the next morning. LOL



  3. #23

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    I'm adding the vicks and the pedialite.
    Happy holiday family time!

  4. #24

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    I just bought two variety packs of Pedialyte. Some Pedialyte before bed is just what the Dr ordered.Thanks for the suggestion.

  5. #25

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    I would also suggest a florescent lantern for the room for the odd power outage, and anyone would LOVE to have it left behind for their use!

    Also, grinders can be found on the island, but they run pretty high, so if they are cheaper in SoCal, by all means get one there and bring it! I bought a wooden grinder that didn't really do jack so I left that one behind, but the metal one I bought there for $35 worked so good I had a friend clean it so I could take it home with me, lol! One thing I always take with me is a hand roller (for tobacco, right! ) and some packs of matching zigzags, it's fun to roll a pack or two up then place some hand rolled 'cigs' in my ciggy pack..

    Also, if you are worried about insect bites, go with the avon skin so soft 2 in 1 sunscreen and insect repellent..although I really think that bugs can vary based on time of year..last time I went I just used my spray sunscreen and every now and then in the evenings added a little repellent spray..but when I go in August, I know the bugs can be pretty bad so will come loaded for bear where that's concerned, lol!

  6. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ohio_Buckeye_1 View Post
    I missed the warning on TCs by Brassi?
    Two trips ago, my Traveler's checks pained me so (cambio cambio cambio) and made me miss out on a few things. I took my last trip with just an ATM card.

    Not a huge deal, lots of people do it. Prior to that I was old school and brought TCs on any trip out of the US.

    I found out I enjoyed the convenience of ATMs...my worries about cash and losing my card etc were unfounded.

    If they help you budget though, cool!

  7. #27

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    Don't forget your bug spray - lots of mosquitoes right now.
    Irie Sue

  8. #28

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    Mr - Hat, sun glasses (2), T shirts (12), shorts (3), money, water shoes, sandals, grinder, bottle opener, Vodka, Champers, sun tan oil, ipod, loads of cables and chargers for stuff, floaty sea bed, hippy trousers (you'll see).

    Mrs - Everything else............
    Rise early, treat everyday as though it's your last and your last day as it's your first.

  9. #29

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    Hippy trousers!!!!! I love it.....can't wait!

    I haven't packed yet, so I am not sure what all is going in besides the usual bathing suits, sundresses, flip flops, snorkel, camera, ipod etc.
    But after this post I WILL be getting some pediolyte that's for sure....something tells me I will be needing it this trip......oh and I WILL be bringing Cake Vodka! Awww yeah!
    See you all soon!

    Oh and Ninja will be packing his shorts, sandals and all of his funny t-shirts oh and then an entire bag of nerd gadgets

  10. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by spottycatz View Post
    Mr - Hat, sun glasses (2), T shirts (12), shorts (3), money, water shoes, sandals, grinder, bottle opener, Vodka, Champers, sun tan oil, ipod, loads of cables and chargers for stuff, floaty sea bed, hippy trousers (you'll see).

    Mrs - Everything else............
    Oh yeah, I bring TWO high-quality floaties and a hat. I usually buy a new hat at Seastar, too.

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