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Thread: In what ways has Negril changed over the past 10 years?

  1. #11

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    Marley, that was my thought...the roads!

  2. #12

    User Info Menu

    Airport much more Americanized. (still miss the old one though and the ladies singing, etc ) Roads better yet leads to increase speed.( may seem crazy but I still miss the old road)
    More food selections...really like this! Better "current" and water pressure. Easier access to cash and internet. Cell phones now EVERYWHERE!
    More folks on the "bad drugs", ie, crack, cocaine, etc......... However, with all the changes...somethings remain the same. Great people still around...still good local places to eat, yardie style, and my favorite island in the world is still affordable...at least for now, if the airline prices will cooperate!!

    As they say, nothing is an inevitable as change. Considering how fast things have changed here at home, I still prefer the slower paced changes of Negril. With just a few miles, one can still enjoy the countryside and feel the old school feel if we so desire.

  3. #13

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    It was dirt cheap when we got married 10 years ago. We had our 'reception' at 3 dives and 2 lobsters, a couple jerk chickens and at least 30 beers came to something like 80 bucks!

  4. #14

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    I miss the welcome singers at the airport too!

  5. #15

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    This is an interesting thread to read and see what take people have on things from their visits to Negril.

    In the last decade there have been some great changes. The most obvious ones are the improvements of the roads, water, electricity, phone, internet and availability of items to purchase. It is much easier to get around, stay in touch and get the things you want and need. These are major improvements for sure.

    The perception about the ganja and the other illicit drugs are interesting. While still common, the public partaking of ganja is much less than it was 10 years ago. Perhaps a few folks hang around in a small group and their group are more public users, but overall the public visibility is way down. The police patrols see to that.

    The cocaine/crack use is also way down. Unfortunately Jamaicans learned the same way as most places have, that cocaine is simply not a wise idea. The few that survived their habits are walking lessons for others, and the few addicts still alive are becoming so well known for their behavior that regular stints in jail are the norm for them.

    One of the most obvious signs that the cocaine use has diminished is the fact that the late late night shows are no longer well attended by locals and visitors alike. The number of 24 hour spots have decreased as well - there is no longer much "need" to find a beer at 4am because you are too wired to go back to your room. The local enforcement of the laws are reflecting this change - and the police are taking a bit closer watch on those who regularly stay out all night.

    The "higgler" changes are much harder to gauge, it seems that like the shifting sands, it depends on the day you are experiencing it. I have heard a person say that it was the worst experience they ever had and the very next day have someone say it was the least aggressive they have ever seen it. And I think that last part is the real explanation. It is only based on what the person "has ever seen" and not based on a large statistically significant study.

    Again, this is an interesting thread.
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  6. #16

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    My lst visit to Negril was on a day visit with a rental car from Mo Bay! Loved the old dirt road I drove to get there, the open space and the laid back astomphere of the town. Course I was only there for a 6 hour visit, but it had a lot of charm!!

  7. #17

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    For me, two things. The road from the airport, now much better and the beach. The beach is a strange thing, it moves in and out and up and down.
    Everything else, hasn't changed (much) in the past 10 years> Now if you ask what has changed in the past 25 years........................
    Rise early, treat everyday as though it's your last and your last day as it's your first.

  8. #18

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    Yeah ask about 25 years ago. Ted says there was hardly anything on the cliffs, only bush. Road was worse than it is now, if that's possible. On the beach part he said there weren't as many places which allowed him to capture land and put up a craft place, until the authorities tore it down, then he'd move somewhere else on the beach. Did that for years. Then he moved into the craft market over 10 years ago, but just recently moved his wares to our home in the hills. He actually makes more now than he did in the market. Other vendors would be too agressive at the market and stop the tourists from getting down to his booth. Sometimes he didn't sell anything for weeks and with his overhead, he finally gave it up.
    If your dream doesn't include the "impossible", it's too small - Joel Osteen

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