Tuesday starts out as usual, with coffee ready before 7. Nice day out, and really relaxing up here on the balcony. Sounds of traffic filter through the property. Nothing too loud. Yet. Debbie up, holding her head. Not a good sign. Another migraine. Wonder about sleeping position and the quality of the mattress. Bed is much different than our tempur-pedic. Trigger points can set off these headaches, and they're severe. More meds and back to bed for her.

She's up about 9, and we putter around the cottage. Down to the ocean by 10ish. Still haven't used our masks and snorkels and fins. Maybe tomorrow.

Day quiet, and the exhaustion of the past few weeks catches up with me. About noonish I fall asleep on the beach, and doze for over an hour. Not many sellers coming around, and I don't think they could have wakened me if they'd tried. Finally Debbie says Patty Man is here. I got the last pumpkin patty, along with a shrimp. Definitely do the pumpkin again, not sure about the shrimp. It's pretty strong.

Up to the cottage for more sleep. Got another hour and some. Apparently working three jobs, sometimes 15-20 hour days can take a toll on a person. Who wouldda thought?

Firefly has their rum punch gathering tonight, so we go down to do our cameo appearance. Maxine is at the bar, and beautiful and wonderful as ever! A fair sized crowd, and we share where we're from in real life (if such exists) and what brought us here. Our story goes back to 1985, and every year since. Because I'm going to be driving, I take it easy on the rum punch.

Dinner- anyone want to go? We have a group of 6, and they want the REAL Jamaican cooking, not the stuff for tourists. Easy choice! First- 6 in a Toyota Yaris- No Problem! I've had 8 in a Corolla, so I figure this will be easy.

We drive down to One Mile. Jean still has a decent variety left, with all the great Jamaican veggies that go with it, and far better than the tourist stuff. Oxtail with a good shot of pimento. Snapper and Bonita in brown stew. Pork and chicken too. Goat finished. Darn. While driving in, people in front, one of which has never been out of the states before, thinks it must be closed, since there's no big lights or signs. No signs for One Mile. You know it's there, or you don't.

Anita is at the bar tonight. She's new. I've been going to that bar for 25 years, and know it well. I ask if she ever met Michael (the owner) 's brother Everett. We have a picture of him from 23 years ago, holding my son when he was just a year old. Not only does she know him- he's the father of her daughter! Darn, Everett is still the rascal he was way back.

Food is great, portions large (even though we got the small size) and watching the face of one gal when she discovers (not by sight, but by taste and heat) the scotch bonnet in her curry. Well, she wanted the real thing. After a few moments, and much water, she decided she loved the flavor, but could do without as much heat. No one wants to head downtown for dessert, so back we go, 6 in the Yaris.

Even with the recovery sleep earlier, still an early night.
