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Thread: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

  1. #501

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    I’m sorry for the one week hiatus. I work at a University and the week before a holiday is always the busiest time. I haven’t had much time to even breathe.

    Luckily, I now have a 4 day weekend ahead of me so I can *finally* finish this TR! Thank you for sticking with me through this. So here goes…

    Trip Report continued…

    The Annual Boardie Bash was drawing to a close (see previous entry) and the crowds were beginning to disperse.

    Guirigay suggested a stop over at Just Natural for a fruit drink before heading back to Catcha Falling Star.

    So Marley and Ninja hopped on their scooters. Guirigay, Sweetiepie, Markus and I piled into a taxi. We all met up at “Just Natural”.

    I’ve heard a lot about “Just Natural”. It was always on my list of places to go but we never managed to squeeze it into previous trips. I was excited about finally going there. Most of the reviews were about the amazing breakfast spread but I was full of lionfish at that point. So I decided to just order a drink.

    I really liked the vibe at “Just Natural”. It’s nestled in the foliage, surrounded by palms and a beautiful garden with outdoor seating.

    The woman behind the bar area was super sweet and eager to explain all the healthy juices that they had to offer.

    I can’t remember what I ordered. I remember I asked for something super nutritious and cleansing. (Something with a lot of vitamins and veggies in it.) I figured it might counteract all the damage done from 9 days of excessive red stripe consumption.

    She slid this greenish brown drink in front of me.

    I gazed down at it and lifted the glass of murky liquid hesitantly to my lips. It wasn’t visually appealing but I figured I would just chug it down. It was a little slimy and the taste was unusual for me. I guess you could say it tasted extremely healthy? I’m pretty sure there was some kind of grass in it. I felt a weird tingling in the back of my throat afterwards. I should have probably mentioned that I’m allergic to a random array of strange things. For example: I can’t eat fresh cherries, kiwi’s or Apricots. My throat swells up and I can’t breathe. For a moment I feared an allergic reaction coming on, but it subsided after a minute.

    Whatever was in the drink was a lot for my stomach to break down and suddenly a wave of lethargy washed over me. I felt incredibly tired and all my limbs felt loose. I felt the urge to just slide off the chair, sink into a fetal position and sleep for days. It was as though all the partying had finally caught up with me.

    I gazed over at Markus and I could see that he was feeling the same way.

    Outside rain began to fall again. It was nice, cool and relaxing inside the hut area. Everyone was generally quiet and winding down from all the excitement of that day. It was pretty peaceful just listening to the rain hit the palm leaves.

    Carpe Diem

  2. #502

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    Guirigay started telling the woman behind the counter about his swollen ankles and some of the pain he was experiencing.

    She quickly asked him to show her his ankles and when she saw them she insisted on giving him a foot massage to ease the discomfort.

    Marley and Ninja were utterly pooped as well. They decided to head back to Catcha to rest up a bit. We agreed to meet up later for dinner at Ivans. They drove away in their scooters.

    The rain stopped at that point so Markus, Sweetiepie and I decided to walk across the street to Xtabi while Guirigay continued getting his massage.

    We went down to the underground caves to check out the location for Patty Sather’s “Girly girls and manly men” photo shoot.

    Unfortunately we didn’t have our bathing suits on, so we would have to return later to take the actual calendar picture. (at the time, I had no idea what we had in store for us for that upcoming photo shoot and what was lurking in the shadows of that cave…watching us silently with glittering eyes… I shiver to think about it.)

    We returned to the surface and Markus rested on the ledge overlooking the sea. We were both oddly sweaty and feeling dazed from sheer exhaustion. It was an effort to even stand. We were sinking fast.

    Aww, My poor tired honey…He was really out of it...mumbling gibberish basically at this point. It was officially time to hit the sack.

    We returned to Just Natural as Guirigay’s massage had come to an end. We all stumbled back to the taxi and we were dropped off at Catcha.

    I collapsed into bed with Markus and I’m pretty sure I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.
    Last edited by Clarity; 11-21-2012 at 03:38 PM.
    Carpe Diem

  3. #503

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    When I woke up again, it was dark outside. I could hear distant laughter coming from Ivan’s bar. I yawned and stretched out in bed. I felt very relaxed, very rested and fit. Whatever was in that drink was now having a positive effect. Every part of my body felt good.

    Markus emerged from the bathroom, fresh from a shower. He was in good spirits and happy. “I feel GREAT!”

    “Me too!”

    I showered too and got dressed for dinner.

    We headed over to Ivans Bar. The whole bunch of people were already there partying it up. Booger, Sandy (pooper), Gonjon, Tizzy, Guirigay, Sweetiepie, Marley and Ninja.

    They all greeted us warmly when we arrived and a fresh tropical drink was placed in my hands.

    And the night officially began!

    Some of the group had already had dinner, so we walked over to the dining area with Guirigay, Sweetie Pie, Marley and Ninja.

    We had a delicious dinner together. I ordered the seafood linguine. (AMAZING! Everyone has to try this dish at least once – It was my first time ordering it and I was blown away)

    It was so creamy and filling, I could only eat half and rest was put in a doggy bag for later.

    After dinner, we met up with the rest of the crew to party at Ivans Bar.

    This party was a little more bittersweet then the previous ones. We knew that tonight was Booger, Sandy, Tizzy and Gonjon’s last night in Jamaica. This was the last time we would all be together at Ivans.

    We really brought the house down, Kevin, Ty and Vivienne got into the mix and it was a lively party with a lot of singing together and laughing. It was so much fun. Everytime I think of this night, I just have to smile. It was definitely a highlight for me.

    Here’s a group shot:

    Carpe Diem

  4. #504

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    After that picture was taken, We released more lanterns into the sky…

    Tizzy grabbed my arm “Daisy! Lets go jump off the cliffs together! C’mon”

    I stared at her in horror and gripped her shoulders “Tizzy, no…there are LIONFISH in there! Lionfish! They all come up to the surface at night”

    “Aww psaww… Don’t worry, girl, I’ll protect you from the lionfish. Lets go!”, She laughed and dismissed my fears with a wave of her hand.

    I hesitated for a moment, considered it but then shook my head rapidly with wide eyes. “Don’t do it Tizzy! It’s too dangerous!”

    Tizzy just laughed and darted off into the darkness. Booger and Sandy bravely followed. I stood back biting my nails and fearing for their lives.

    Markus rubbed my shoulders “Honey, they’ll be fine” He assured me.

    And of course, they were.

    They all returned dripping wet and laughing up a storm. (I’m pretty sure Booger performed a special hanging brain flying leap off that cliff in a way only Booger can … but don’t quote me on that one. Lol!)

    Next time Tizzy, I promise! I WILL overcome my fear!

    And then it was time for the goodbye’s.

    This was hard for me…I’m REALLY not good with saying goodbye. I’m Mrs. Waterworks. I put on my bravest face as we all hugged.

    I thanked Sandy (Pooper) for pulling the sea urchin spines out of my foot and told her how happy I was to get to know her. She saw the tears welling up and told me not to cry. “You’re going to visit us in LA okay! Do you hear me? That’s an order not a request”

    I laughed and hugged this strong beautiful woman. The mother hen of the group.

    Next was Booger.(The one that surprised me the most). I expected a snarky old man and instead I got to know a young handsome mischievous bloke with the biggest heart. He might try to hide it, but he’s really a softie. He also had the ability to deflect my tears by saying something that made me laugh and smack him.

    I hugged GonJon goodbye. He’s the one person I didn’t get to know as well as the others. This is perfectly understandable considering the fact that he was hit by Cupid’s arrow 10 minutes after I met him and was pretty head over heels for a certain Texan wildflower. He is clearly a great guy though and a lucky one at that.

    Which brings me to Tizzy… She was the hardest to say goodbye to. She’s so full of light and love. Her happiness and joy with life is contagious. She came over to hug me and all we had to do was look at each other. I can’t remember what I said to her, but it was from the heart.

    She pulled me in for a tight hug. When we pulled away, she was wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. “Damn it Girl! I can’t even look at you! You’re making me cry! Stop it!”

    Miss you Tizz…

    And with that we all dispersed to our separate cabins.

    “Do you think we’ll ever see them again?”, I sniffled.

    “Of course we will”, Markus said with a smile “You know this is only the beginning”

    To be continued…
    Day 10 coming up next.
    Carpe Diem

  5. #505

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    Wow, Clarity, how wonderful. This just keeps getting better.

    Is that a flying turtle I see in the last night at Ivan's group shot? How appropriate.

    Anyone know what was in that Green drink that Christine was serving up at Just Natural. Must work, just look at Marcus at Xtabi 'bout to bite the big one....talk about "Boardie Down" you fall off the Xtabi deck and that would be epic!

    These pictures are so good.

  6. #506

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    Quote Originally Posted by bjritz View Post
    Wow, Clarity, how wonderful. This just keeps getting better.

    Is that a flying turtle I see in the last night at Ivan's group shot? How appropriate.

    Anyone know what was in that Green drink that Christine was serving up at Just Natural. Must work, just look at Marcus at Xtabi 'bout to bite the big one....talk about "Boardie Down" you fall off the Xtabi deck and that would be epic!

    These pictures are so good.
    It was a mixed vegetable juice BJ. Theresa chopped up a variety of leaf and root vegetable to make it. She did me up an aloe shot and a celery juice for my swelling and then insisted on a massage. Awesome lady, we're definitely going out to their new place over the holidays.
    What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding?

  7. #507

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    I was cracking up at the "enhanced" group photo with the turtle!
    That was HILARIOUS!

    Oh and the Money Shot of the Seafood Linguine!!!!! Yes! Mouth watering I actually looked at the screen and said "You will be mine in 39 days!" LOL

    And yum, look at all of those Miami Vices! I am going to miss Ty so much, I remembered being shocked when he knew what a Miami Vice was!

    Miss you guys!

  8. #508

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    ******Warning, the following is not suitable for Clarity viewing.*******
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  9. #509

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report


  10. #510

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    Re: 10 Years, 12 Nights, 6 Hotels, ONE LOVE - April 2012 Trip Report

    Quote Originally Posted by bjritz View Post
    ******Warning, the following is not suitable for Clarity viewing.*******
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    Bjritz - LOL!!! OMG! This had me snort-laughing at my desk at work!!

    Happy thanksgiving everyone!!

    P.S. That screaming turtle in the pic is me, (of course) Now you all know why I'm so camera-shy
    Carpe Diem

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