Well 1st off I need to say excellent account of the events!
2nd..need to say I do have a bit of video from the trip but ummmm there is a lot of smoke in the bus
3rd .I'm glad we made your post wedding day great and you made ours spectacular
4th..I still owe everyone money for beer as they were all empty when I tried to buy some so I was drinking everyone else's...so next trip remind me I need to. Buy at lease 24 I'm sure I drank that in the day
5th...that rum punch kicked ya in the ass...thank god when it was my time we hit a bump and I only got a taste on my lips wow....burning...but Raul was nice enough to let me take home a bit for Gregory as he's into that rum...and even he said "Holly F**k! Is this why your so drunk?" LOL.I said no I wasn't drinking that battery acid!
6th..I remember the talk about the cows asses but not sure how it came about...
7th...I wondered where everyone took off to at the falls but when couldn't find you met up with Brasi in the lower part and so we went swimming where he lost his room key.It was awesome..cold ,refreshing,and not salty...was very nice
8th...Tizzy and her needing to go pee now I think may have started the cow talk if I remember correctly I think she seen one peeing...but her standing in the back of the bus with her legs crosses telling everyone that she is going to pee herself was priceless.
9th...I have never heard Brasi being as quiet as he was when he first came on the bus and cracked the first beer with booger....he was one hurting guy....not that I really knew him at that point but after seeming him a few times I stand by my word....he was I'll....but he still showed up and that's the main thing :-)
10th....this is all in no order all all but it was a fantastic time for everyone and us turtles will have this memory for years to come....we we able to connect with people we may never have been able to before...we were able to laugh at whatever we wanted to and everyone else laughed with us.It was a fantastic trip thanks to Marley and Ninja for pulling it all together and keeping the turtles together.
11th...The reason markus and I were stuck in the ATM was because I had no clue what I was doing and when I went to get help he was the only familiar face I seen so I made him come in and help me take out thousands of JA dollars...what a shock that is..if I had that in Canadian money I would be rich ! LOL
12...I just gotta say I love you guys and I truly hope we can do it all again one day soon:-)
Thanks everyone :-)
OK I'm done now.