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Thread: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

  1. #91

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    LMAO......oh pooper....at least she isn't texting you photos of Bears sitting on her lap! LOL

  2. #92

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by booger View Post
    LOL! Boogs has of late been on a mission to steal Pooper's peanut butter. The crisis in the middle of the night robs me of my good sleep.......
    Nice to know Pooper has found a way around her internet aversion. Just want to ask, though, How can you be certain it was Booger, Pooper? Ninja is, after all, a NINJA! He does his best work in the deep of the night...

    Also, do you have ANY idea how much fun I have typing Booger, Pooper? I'm freaking six years old again...

    And Marley! I can't tell you how happy I am to make a factual correction to your story. Of course the shine is somewhat dulled by the fact that your inaccuracy has to do with our itinerary not your own and there is an event coming up that will correlate with your recollection, but still... We only stayed at Seastar the one night at this point. I will say, though, your infallibility approaches Popeness...
    What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding?

  3. #93

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Well done, Guiri....that was a test, you passed! HA!

    However, funny enough when I typed that I actually second guessed myself, and then realized I was wrong because I remember clearly where we picked you up Tuesday morning, so that means you couldn't have stayed at Seastar Monday night!

    Well done, sir!

    I too like using Booger and Pooper...I was actually telling a story the other day about our trip and I mentioned Booger and someone stopped me and said...."Wait a minute...did you just say BOOGER?!?!?!"

  4. #94

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Booger is what they call their daughter LOL....she's been swiping the peanut butter
    Stir IT UP

  5. #95

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Cheers to Libra's! I should have known you were a fellow Libra...you know, great taste in Vodka and all! Name:  Toasting_Glasses-1775.jpg
Views: 661
Size:  25.0 KB
    "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" R.N.M

  6. #96

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by TizzyATX View Post
    Booger is what they call their daughter LOL....she's been swiping the peanut butter

    ​Would you believe I have a peanut allergy?

  7. #97

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Rastagal......I knew I liked you.....cheers!

    Booger!!! That can't be possible! Lol

  8. #98

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Day2: Sunday April 23, 2012
    NINJA's 2Cents

    You ever have that moment where you are slowly coming out of sleep and as you do you begin to realize something's wrong. Not wrong as in bad just hinky if you will. Something sounds out of place, smells out of place or simply feels out of place.

    I hadn’t quite got my bearings before I got my eyes open but then it all came flooding to me. 1. We are in Negril. 2. We are at Sea Star Inn. C. Markus almost lost a finger(s) last night. D. ****e, did Markus and Clarity get up. V. (sub-section 1) we kept them up way too late V. (sub-section 2) is it gonna hurt when I actually move. Surprisingly I would come to find that no It didnt hurt when I moved and yes they did get on their way (but I wouldn't know the latter till much later). As we rose from our slumber Marley and I began to formulate a plan of attack for the morning. I stepped outside while she got ready. I had decided that if anything I would do yoga in the mornings to get some exercise in this week and to help my back issues. Lets just note that only happened about 3 days. But a point made by Clarity the beds at SSI are very very comfortable. SO with that, my back wasnt in dire straits as of yet, but yoga would still limit the massive weight gain that the next week would impose on me. I found that it was SOOOOOOO bright outside. A thing that was good and bad. Good because it let me really enjoy the beauty of it all and bad because my eyes hadnt adjusted yet. Finishing up the downward dogs, the pigeons and my personal favorites the warriors I ran inside and got ready so we could get what ever breakfast was left. Marley informed me that she had no idea whether Markus and Clarity had made it up for their ride to Mandeville but that she had some frantic messages from Patty about the situation. My brain went into slight crisis mode, but being that I didnt see them frantically running out of their room now I actual simmered myself down. What could I really do about it now it was almost 11 I think and really I was limited in how I could help them besides to wake them up and confirm to them they missed their family ride. And who wants to be THAT GUY, thanks for not only waking me but stating the obvious. After having breakfast Shauna went into the get ready and pack up what had been unpacked we were moving to Catcha AKA Home and couldn't wait. I as Shauna expressed was trying to solve Tizzy’s problem. She had lost her iPhone and (just incase no one knows this) there is an app that allows one iOS device to locate another. In other words I could use our iPad to locate her iPhone. One thing you have to know about me is I’m and out of the box thinker, which I think makes me a great or at least a good problem solver. But once I’ve got the a friend's problem on my radar I’m like a Top Gun pilot. I’m not done till I have tone and the problem is solved. I also live by a simple philosophy on doing things “Work smarter not harder” ( I learned that from Scrooge McDuck). So as I proceeded to try and locate the iPhone with no success I was interrupted by a Jamaican gentleman who was trying to sell a laptop to someone and figured i looked like someone who might be able to tell him if the laptop was viable and working. Feeling like I was kind of stuck at least acting like I was helping I looked at his computer found online a fair offering price and then sent him on his way trying as fast as I could to get back to the room before he asked again for some help. I saw this possible becoming a drawn out thing and well Home called.

    Note: I want to say one thing to the naysayers you know who you are. Being that she found her phone in the end, I would have found if I had kept at it but, I do want to thank you for distracting me enough or I would have obsessed about it. I get that way with problems.

    We packed up and headed out to check out. We ran into Pooper (Sandie) and Booger, the latters recollection of the previous night was as tattered as a piece of Swiss cheese. It seems he didn't quite remember the raising of the dead and coming back out. They headed before us to Catcha and we said we’d see them in a bit. After checking out we headed to the short trip down the lane to our home away from reality. It being the weekend we didnt see Louis who I was eager to say hi to. He was the security guard who always looked after us when we stayed last year. Forgetting it was Sunday I thought at first maybe he wasnt working there anymore, but the slight fog in my head cleared and I realized why he wasnt there.

    I’m going to shorten the entrance part of Catcha because well Marley spoke to it. I will say this the greetings we received upon seeing Andrea and then Ardia and Carol was like seeing old friends who were happy to see us. We took in the return as we waited for our room to be ready. I got a drink for the Missus and put the idea of eating something in her head.

    We spent the couple of hours we had at Catcha getting to know Pooper and Booger more. Then we were joined by Sweetness and I had a chance to met her too.

    I will say this then turn this trip report back over to my better half.

    Luckily for Booger I didnt/dont interact too much on the board so he didnt seem any younger nor older than he was at that moment. I found him to be alot like me, out to have good time and full of nothing but sarcasm. As I would learn as the week went on he has a good heart, a quick wit and a pension for good drink and good friends. However as Marley pointed it out he makes it incredibly hard to show your gratitude for his friendship, but he doesnt know me very well and I WILL TREAT HIM NEXT TIME. I like people who want to have fun and be fun even in the serious moments. I have found one thing to be true there isn't anything a little laughter can’t alleviate if only for a moment. Booger seems like the kinda guy that could make me laugh even if I had taken a religious vow to always be serious.

    If Booger is the caring comic his wife Pooper well she the energetic carer as we would find out later that day. She’s the MOM if you know what I mean. I came to learn there isnt any animal she wouldnt try and save. You’d know this if you’d ever heard the Bear story. She says funny ****e with out even trying too and provided a definite ab workout for my wife every time we were together.

    Sweetness reminds me of alot of my Burning man friends (if you dont know what burning man is look it up). Almost every response she gives is full of love and well meaning and she truly wants Jah to bless you. When she says things of a spiritual nature you really feel the love she means towards you. I’ll admit in life I tend to sometimes roll my eyes at people who need to punctuate almost every statement with something religious or spiritual (mostly religious) but when Sweetness says it you know she means it matter of factly and regardless if you are a bad person, a good person or you were just snide or annoying to her. I love that, cuz I need more people like that around me it can only make me more tolerant of annoying people. Thanks Sweetness LOVE YOU.

    I also briefly met Jon but we got to talk more the next day so I will converse on that then. And now we return you to our regularly scheduled Marley post
    Last edited by ralonzo29; 05-20-2012 at 09:24 PM.
    Da Ninja - 1st Annual Belly Flop Champ - Soon Come

    ~Fear accompanies the possibility of Death, Calm shepherds its certainty.

    People's actions no longer affect a warrior when he has no more expectations of any kind. A strange peace becomes the ruling force in his life. He has adopted one of the concepts of a warrior's life -- detachment.
    ~from "The Eagle's Gift"~

  9. #99

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Ninja's a yogi, too? How did I miss this???!!!!!

  10. #100

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Marley informed me that she had no idea whether Markus and Clarity had made it up for their ride to Mandeville but that she had some frantic messages from Patty about the situation. My brain went into slight crisis mode, but being that I didnt see them frantically running out of their room now I actual simmered myself down. What could I really do about it now it was almost 11 I think and really I was limited in how I could help them besides to wake them up and confirm to them they missed their family ride. And who wants to be THAT GUY, thanks for not only waking me but stating the obvious.
    LOL!!! I'm reading this post out loud to Markus right now and the two of us are cracking up!!

    Love your description of booger as the "caring comic" and you're so right about Sweetness. She is all love.

    Truly Loving this TR and seeing both perspectives!

    We're looking forward to the next installment from Marley!
    Carpe Diem

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