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Thread: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

  1. #171

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Well 1st off I need to say excellent account of the events!
    2nd..need to say I do have a bit of video from the trip but ummmm there is a lot of smoke in the bus
    3rd .I'm glad we made your post wedding day great and you made ours spectacular
    4th..I still owe everyone money for beer as they were all empty when I tried to buy some so I was drinking everyone else's...so next trip remind me I need to. Buy at lease 24 I'm sure I drank that in the day
    5th...that rum punch kicked ya in the ass...thank god when it was my time we hit a bump and I only got a taste on my lips wow....burning...but Raul was nice enough to let me take home a bit for Gregory as he's into that rum...and even he said "Holly F**k! Is this why your so drunk?" LOL.I said no I wasn't drinking that battery acid!
    6th..I remember the talk about the cows asses but not sure how it came about...
    7th...I wondered where everyone took off to at the falls but when couldn't find you met up with Brasi in the lower part and so we went swimming where he lost his room key.It was awesome..cold ,refreshing,and not salty...was very nice
    8th...Tizzy and her needing to go pee now I think may have started the cow talk if I remember correctly I think she seen one peeing...but her standing in the back of the bus with her legs crosses telling everyone that she is going to pee herself was priceless.
    9th...I have never heard Brasi being as quiet as he was when he first came on the bus and cracked the first beer with booger....he was one hurting guy....not that I really knew him at that point but after seeming him a few times I stand by my word....he was I'll....but he still showed up and that's the main thing :-)
    10th....this is all in no order all all but it was a fantastic time for everyone and us turtles will have this memory for years to come....we we able to connect with people we may never have been able to before...we were able to laugh at whatever we wanted to and everyone else laughed with us.It was a fantastic trip thanks to Marley and Ninja for pulling it all together and keeping the turtles together.
    11th...The reason markus and I were stuck in the ATM was because I had no clue what I was doing and when I went to get help he was the only familiar face I seen so I made him come in and help me take out thousands of JA dollars...what a shock that is..if I had that in Canadian money I would be rich ! LOL
    12...I just gotta say I love you guys and I truly hope we can do it all again one day soon:-)
    Thanks everyone :-)
    OK I'm done now.

  2. #172

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Another great spot on update. You had to of filmed this! I agree, the pic that Sweetness took is front cover magazine ready.

    And that soup is better than Ivan's pumpkin soup when you are nice and saucy? That's some great soup!

    Also, you wearing that harness looks kinda dirty.....


  3. #173

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by beccajean_ca View Post
    Well 1st off I need to say excellent account of the events!
    2nd..need to say I do have a bit of video from the trip but ummmm there is a lot of smoke in the bus
    3rd .I'm glad we made your post wedding day great and you made ours spectacular
    4th..I still owe everyone money for beer as they were all empty when I tried to buy some so I was drinking everyone else's...so next trip remind me I need to. Buy at lease 24 I'm sure I drank that in the day
    5th...that rum punch kicked ya in the ass...thank god when it was my time we hit a bump and I only got a taste on my lips wow....burning...but Raul was nice enough to let me take home a bit for Gregory as he's into that rum...and even he said "Holly F**k! Is this why your so drunk?" LOL.I said no I wasn't drinking that battery acid!
    6th..I remember the talk about the cows asses but not sure how it came about...
    7th...I wondered where everyone took off to at the falls but when couldn't find you met up with Brasi in the lower part and so we went swimming where he lost his room key.It was awesome..cold ,refreshing,and not salty...was very nice
    8th...Tizzy and her needing to go pee now I think may have started the cow talk if I remember correctly I think she seen one peeing...but her standing in the back of the bus with her legs crosses telling everyone that she is going to pee herself was priceless.
    9th...I have never heard Brasi being as quiet as he was when he first came on the bus and cracked the first beer with booger....he was one hurting guy....not that I really knew him at that point but after seeming him a few times I stand by my word....he was I'll....but he still showed up and that's the main thing :-)
    10th....this is all in no order all all but it was a fantastic time for everyone and us turtles will have this memory for years to come....we we able to connect with people we may never have been able to before...we were able to laugh at whatever we wanted to and everyone else laughed with us.It was a fantastic trip thanks to Marley and Ninja for pulling it all together and keeping the turtles together.
    11th...The reason markus and I were stuck in the ATM was because I had no clue what I was doing and when I went to get help he was the only familiar face I seen so I made him come in and help me take out thousands of JA dollars...what a shock that is..if I had that in Canadian money I would be rich ! LOL
    12...I just gotta say I love you guys and I truly hope we can do it all again one day soon:-)
    Thanks everyone :-)
    OK I'm done now.

    Becca, this whole post makes me laugh.....thanks for being a part of the day with us too.....it was the perfect day! Loved every single second of it

  4. #174

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by booger View Post
    Another great spot on update. You had to of filmed this! I agree, the pic that Sweetness took is front cover magazine ready.

    And that soup is better than Ivan's pumpkin soup when you are nice and saucy? That's some great soup!

    Also, you wearing that harness looks kinda dirty.....

    Booger your last statement cracked me up.....you are crazy! But yeah.....it felt kinda dirty too. Ha.....you should have seen Raul's.....I was wondering later if we would be able to have kids ever

    And yes, Ivan's pumpkin soup is the best I have had, but that pepper shrimp soup is still reigning the supreme title of all soups EVER! Yum!

  5. #175

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    I could have went on as I didn't even get to the pelican Bar yet but I figured I better stop rambling.....thanks for allowing me to be part of it :-) I'm very glad I went :-)

  6. #176

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Lovely lovely lovely. This is so good, the delayed remembering of stuff. It was a great day and everyone on that bus played a part in it and on it. It's great getting different versions of the trip. Almost Woody Allen like!!
    Rise early, treat everyday as though it's your last and your last day as it's your first.

  7. #177

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Yeah! All caught up Great report so far, keep it coming!!

  8. #178

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Day4: Tuesday April 24, 2012
    NINJA's 2Cents

    “What’s is that annoying sound” Oh wait i think its the my alarm. Sure enough it is. Oh wait today is the trip YAY. Still it was a bear to get up. We had limited amounts of sleep the night before so...

    Short time to Shower, Shave and get my stuff together. Shauna jumped in first and she had already headed out to get some breakfast when I went to get ready. Normally I would use the out door shower but have decided that Banana Shout and the Staff at Rick’s didn’t need a private show. Man it was early well not really but compared to the amount of sleep we had (a recurring trend) it seemed early.

    Once the Catcha crew had jumped on the bus (I was greatly surprised that we were all present and accounted for and on time) we drove down the all too familiar road headed to get GuiriPie [from now own I’m going to amalgamize couples names, well except spotykatz, cuz thats how I roll]. The bus load was just Sweetness, Jizzy, Minja and Booper but we we’re already alive and having fun. After we picked up GuiriPie we headed down to the beach to get our beach dwellers. After rustling up the remainder of our crew it was time to get this party started. Wait pump your brakes we need to get money and drinks (drinks being the more important of the 2). After grabbing some cash I stayed back for a while to help Markus help Becca get her money it seems the machine wouldn't take her card at first.

    NOTE: to everyone make sure when you are traveling international call your bank to let them know. Some banks halt international usage unless you let them know.

    Seeing that I couldn't really be any use I skipped back to the bus [ yes I skipped ]. The bus trip was ramping back up and we still needed to get supplies. Shauna being a non beer drinker needed something to keep her nice and bubbly so I set forth to make what I have now called roadside Rum Punch. Limited by the supplies I had in the store I grabbed some overproof rum, orange pineapple juice and a water bottle to mix it all up. Oh yeah and some cherry syrup. The Over proof had a limiter on the top of it so making the punch would have taken all day, so I whipped out my Knife (I’m like freaking Macgyver) and tour through the top. After making the Rum Punch in the water bottle I realized I had a lot of Overproof left over. Problem is when I tore off the limiter I also tore off the threads for the cap. All I had left was an open bottle and no where to place it. In fear that it would spill and 1) eat through the bus floor like Alien blood and B) spill and waste alcohol (cuz even overproof deserves to be drunk) I poured the remainder of the over proof in the only bottle I had left the very very very little amount of juice I had left with a hint of the cherry syrup. So two things occurred at this point. First I decided it was a good idea to drink this concoction in between sips of my Red Stripe. Secondly Guiriguy wanted a swig. He’s holding the bottle in the photo. Everyoen thought it was my road side rum punch but really it was battery acid with color. Seriously this stuff was just colored over proof. The rum punch was in a water bottle that Shauna had a couple drinks out of. That stuff in the juice bottle was OMG strong. Sorry that everyone thought it was rum punch hey but who am I to halt progress.

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    By now everyone was feeling good the Red stripe was flowing and the music was rocking. We had a great sing along before the radio decided it was Christine's cousin and had a mind of it’s own. I swear it seems the only thing that ever has issue in a Jamaican car is the radio and I contribute this to the ****e roads causing a short. I always say I’m buying Chicken an iPod and some kind of dock with loud enough speakers. Well besides the constant wedding march or random spike in volume everyone seemed to be having a blast (well maybe Brasi wasn’t I can only imagine a hangover on the bus was probably something to work through) and in an all around good vibe. Chicken tried his hardest to point out point of interest and ask if we wanted to stop but to no avail the fun level was way too high. However everyone calm down just long enough to ooh and aww as we passed Blue Fields and well they should and we mad plans to stop back buy at sunset (yeah that didnt happen). Shauna was in front of me and Sweetness directly behind me so most of my conversation was with them as we drove on. Sweetness and I resumed our conversation on cameras and how she wanted so much to get the Rebel that I had. Despite the older point and click camera she has she takes some of the loveliest pics. Goes to show you it isnt always the camera its the person behind it.

    I’ll take this moment to make a quick note. I dont think I’ve ever heard Sweetness’ voice get louder than the calm tones she has normally. Its always so soothing and fills you with a feeling of calm spirituality. A lot like Sweetie Pie their voices could stop a stampede of elephants just by softly saying stop.

    By now I had drank probably way too much of my roadside battery acid so I was feeling what my mom would call happy. I think my food intake had been limited so it was hitting me pretty hard. We stopped to use the bathroom and get another bag of ice which in my attempt to break it up I thrust the bag on the floor only to break it open. So If Mohammad can't go to the mountain, let the mountain come to Mohammad and drag the cooler out to the ice. Some of us took the time to smoke and conversate before hopping back on the bus and heading for YS. When we reached YS I was a tad bit out of it. WAY TO MUCH RSBA.

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    The last time we went to YS they were working on a new pool off to the side to add to the park. First thing I noticed was that it was done and it looked cool. I think the best part of this trip to YS for me was watching everyone who had never been really enjoying being in awe of the power and majesty of the mighty falls. It truly is a wonder to see in person. Everyone seem to be having a blast swinging on the rope swing and enjoying the water. I lost track of a bunch of people but I’m sure they were off having fun fun fun. I have a bunch of video of our zipline adventure but unless you want to get motion sickness and throw up I will keep them off youtube.
    Last edited by ralonzo29; 06-24-2012 at 10:37 PM.
    Da Ninja - 1st Annual Belly Flop Champ - Soon Come

    ~Fear accompanies the possibility of Death, Calm shepherds its certainty.

    People's actions no longer affect a warrior when he has no more expectations of any kind. A strange peace becomes the ruling force in his life. He has adopted one of the concepts of a warrior's life -- detachment.
    ~from "The Eagle's Gift"~

  9. #179

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    laughing my arse off over here Ninj (didn't forget the "a" - since we are friends I got i like that ha) - first the "Sweetness, Jizzy, Minja and Booper ....... After we picked up GuiriPie ..........." Dude you and Markus need to go on tour with a comedy show - its a gift - thanks for sharing it lol.

    Great description of the bus ride - I remember I kept saying "I can see this as a cartoon, the Magic Bus". Thanks for the sweet words about my voice....maybe I should look into voice overs or hypnotherapy tapes???? but I digress......a day that will live in infamy.......more please!@N&M
    Preach Peace / Live Love / Blessed Be

  10. #180

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    Re: Marley and Ninja: Having Their Cake And Drinking It Too! Trip Report - April 2012

    Okay it's been 4 days, I'm going through Marley & Ninja trip report withdrawal! lol!
    I've been enjoying this trip report too much for it to stop!
    more PLEASE!
    Carpe Diem

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