Although I know Barry still is in operation, Miss Gloria's Sunset Cottages was a wonderful place. It was not a hotel but a community, with many different guests from all over the world. The options ranged from pitching a tent to renting a small room or renting the A-Frame which was 30 feet from the sea. The property ran from the road to the beach and was somewhat narrow. There was a communal cold water shower (small corrugated tin stall for privacy) and a bathroom with flush toilet which back in the seventies was somewhat of a convenience. Even though it was a cold shower the water line ran above ground so if you timed it right and it was a sunny day you could get a couple of minutes of hot water, even so after getting baked by the sun a cold water shower was refreshing too. Gloria had a small kitchen and served breakfast although I don't remember if lunch and dinner was offered or not. Despite being a humble spot it was full of life and seeing the same people on a regular basis was fun too.