Greg (hubby) and I just went down for a quick trip to forget about my upcoming double masectomy for breast cancer (and then aggressive chemo). The surgery is next wednesday so the four days plus two travel days really broke the time up for us.

We rented a car this time and loved it. Our scooter days are definitely over (the car feels so much safer)! Even though we had the car we did a lot of chilling at the resort, met an awesome group of people to hang out with and just lounged, got some sun and hung out on the porch.

Some dinner places we hit:

Rockhouse: Jerk Chicken Wrap Ups These were AMAZING!

Ivans: Jerk Penne Pasta Ummm, yum. LOTS of food and it was divine. Ivan's has a great vibe. Greg loved the sauted conch too.

Red Dragon for lunch: OMG. I don't even eat jerk pork and got my own half. Of course the mommy dog out front had some too. The people in there are sooo nice and we felt super comfortable. And they DO have the coldest beers! Mine had ice formed all over the bottle!

And then of course two dinners at Best in the West which was just as good as ever!!

We didn't do much else. Did some hat shopping for my future bald head. I hope the next six months goes fast. The doc promised me she'd have me back in the sea by February.