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Thread: Negril is better than ever! I am here, and I am having a GOOD time!

  1. #31

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    I guess I may have overstated, I did feel safe there at winners, just really felt like a tourist there.. I am sure their security is good.. but i personally wouldn't go there by myself, and expect to blend in..

  2. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by gerryg123 View Post
    Went to Alfreds solo for just a moment, not a good vibe in that place. Bunch of ho's tryin' to hustle me (instead of the other around, ha ha) .....
    I like your style...keepin it real. I always wondered how long it would take to master the art of walking in the sand with 5 inch stilettos on

    Where exactly is Winners? Is it on the road to Sav or in the roundabout area?
    "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" R.N.M

  3. #33

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    I spent a good part of Thursday afternoon at Xtabi, leisurely drinking dirty bananas, working on the Net and floating on my raft in beautiful blue ocean as I gazed at the Cliffs -- a wonderful, relaxing time.

    Omar and Donovan were not working at the bar, it was another bartender, a bit stockier than the others with a slight beard -- I am sure Shelly K knows him.

    I returned to Seastar Inn, and I saw myself getting bit more bold with ordering food -- this time, I got two items, the coconut shrimp appetizer and the brown stew chicken, yummy yummy.

    In the evening, the ex and I and the kids all went to the Jungle for ladies night (hey, all three are ladies, right?). I knew the kids couldn't come in, but I thought it would be fun for us to watch everyone coming in and out and to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the Jerk stands, taxis, etc.

    The plan was for the ex wife to go in for 10 to 15 minutes, then come and hang with kids as I went in for 10 or 15 minutes, then she would go back in, a couple of times each, etc., and that would be the night. One problem: the ex went in but NEVER CAME OUT, ha ha. I can't blame her a bit, she's been w the kids on airplanes and small hotel rooms for three days in a row, and I am sure she needed breathing room (we split custody in Los Angeles, unofficially fifty fifty, and live only a block apart).

    I know exactly what must have happened -- she walked in (she's hot, btw), instantly felt like a superstar like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or something (what woman wouldn't?), and dug the attention. Finally, our cabbie Shane (same guy who took us to Rhodes, great cabbie, btw) ducked in there with a plan of pulling her out for a bit so we could switch, only to be informed that she was enjoying herself so much that I officially had the kids for the rest of the night!

    That's OK, I wonder if she got lucky? She hasn't dated since we split nearly two years ago, and I guess I am OK with whatever she wants to do -- fair is fair, right?

    By the way, Negril is probably the most sexual place I've ever been (and I've been around, baby), and I'm NOT even counting Hedonism. At night (and even during the day), I am constantly being offered the company of beautiful women (of all ages), and in this town, frankly, a mother of three, say, will instantly jump on my motor bike if I slow beside her, as the gals are not necessarily professionals but all of them are seeking some adventure and maybe a little drinky or a tip. I mean, it is SO easy. You can get 100 a day if you wanted to.

    And it goes BOTH ways. There is a massive group of gigilos providing stud service to lady tourists, and every day I see young, handsome local guys with older tourist women. I mean, in Los Angeles, it would be impossible to find nice girls at a strip club, watching other women grind in g strings, but here the women don't even blink!

    Also, have you ever watched the hotel workers and cabbies flirt with one another. The Jamaican men are awesome at flirting, and the women can hang right them, usually dismissing their advances with a laugh, but you can sometimes feel the sexual tension between them -- it's palpable.

    If you're a the least bit randy and ready for some action, Negril is the place. And the young ladies are HOT as hell, too, so there are more beautiful things on this island than the scenery, if you get my drift.

    But last nite was family nite for me -- my young daughters and I piled into the cab, headed to Seastar Inn (the ex stiffed me again, I had to pay the fare, ha ha) and fell into a blissful sleep.

    They just woke up, they'll be hungry soon, and I still have to work on one last thing that should take a few hours. After that, I have no more responsibilities at work for the next two or three days, so I can really go crazy if I want to! But it's all irie, I am getting old everyone! I like to just chill, sometimes!

    I'm having the best time ever. I so don't want this nine-day vacation to end. I've no plans today, but oh the possibilities -- there's the blue hole at Roaring River calling my name, Half Moon Beach, maybe Ricks tonight .... oh ya, there's a party at Sunrise, right across from Legends (400 feet or so down the road), and it's FREE live music -- maybe they'll let the little ones in? It's worth a try!!!
    Last edited by gerryg123; 07-14-2011 at 01:04 PM.

  4. #34

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    Thanks for the report, good stuff. Kinda makes me wanna take my kids.....lol.
    Stir IT UP

  5. #35

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    Wow, man code works in Jamaica, too. I should have realized my cabbie Shane would go back and pick up my ex, too -- he tracked her down in the club, she said she wanted to stay until 2 a.m., and he waited for her and drove her home (alone) .... That's his version, anyway, ha ha.

    I dropped the kids off with the cab with firm plans to take my scooter from Legends directly to Seastar Inn so I could pound out my unfinished work. But as I was cruising up the cliffs, Xtabi was calling my name -- I love floating in the water in the morning when it's especially calm and it's usually just me out there, so that's what I did for an hour or so .... Then, I smoked up another one and said WTF, I am jumping the cliff. .... I did it, trying to do the pencil maneuver so I would not bruise, but the water looked kind of shallow, so I didn't quite land straight, fearing I would hit the bottom, so my arm hit pretty hard, but it was still fun. Then, I did it again, and pulled it off pretty nice. Buzz was gone, I will say that. It's about 17 feet or so, and I don't think I want to push it and jump much higher -- but I feel like I can do Ricks if I want .... Just don't want to get hurt and spoil my good time!

    OK, let me hammer my stuff out .... I will check back, y'all! Oh yeah, if you're reading this board and wondering if you might want to come to Negril, do it baby! Best vacation place EVER!!!!
    Last edited by gerryg123; 07-19-2011 at 10:18 AM.

  6. #36

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    Great report. Your style is very engaging.

    Is Winners the place that has off track betting? I really want to check that out when next I go.

  7. #37

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    Do you Gerry!!! Make no apologies, have a good time, make sure your girls have a good time and just be in the moment! I'm not that daring (I'm jumping off of nothing into water, nope just not gonna happen) but I encourage other folks to be as daring as they dare.

  8. #38

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    Gerry....I just got back and stayed at Xtabi..... and we were at the Rooftop too...I'm not sure we were there when you were there, but the place is a little suspect. We only stayed a few minutes.... I'm loving this up to date report .....keep it coming...... I can't wait to get back.....
    June 2011 -Xtabi Resort (5 days) - partied with friends from Kuyaba, Negril Condos, Samsara, Legends, Merrills

  9. #39

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    I headed to seven mile to hang at the beach in front of Legends, another perfect day, very nice weather. Today is the official first day of Lobster season, and the usual lobster guy (trim, tall, cardboard box with lime on the cooked lobsters) was selling on the beach -- I ordered three for 20 dollars, and they were pretty good sized (for Negril), I'd say about one pound each. A good deal, and we all enjoyed them together, me and my ex wife n the two daughters .....

    I guess I got caught up in the moment cause then I ordered a lobster pizza from Tamboo, and unfortunately it was disappointing -- lobster was plentiful but dried out, and the cheese sucked (no mozarella, I wish he would have told me that before!). I still have two pieces in tin foil in bag, and that just does not happen with gerryg123 -- something must be off. It was $18 US for a medium pizza.

    What else? Got money at the cambio, a big stack of Jamaican 500s, so I feel like a player. Bought the girls Jamaica tourist dresses (big one needed it, little one needed to be made even -- if you're a parent, you understand totally), then went back to Xtabi with the eldest daughter, 7, who had the honor and privilege of watching me jump the Cliff -- my best jump yet, so smooth it looked like the diving scene from the movie "Coneheads."

    Now it's started to rain and we're back at Seastar Inn. I was going to go to blue hole, but the ex wasn't into it, and frankly I was not in the mood to spend 100 bucks ..... but i will be soon.

  10. #40

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    You fell for the i'll be out in 15 minutes trick at the jungle ha ha
    no way would the kids had sat patiently in the car lot all night with one of you!!you should have hired a professional nanny!sounds like the ex is getting her swerve on somewhere LOL
    Great to hear you are having such fun and enjoying the delicious food at seastar.Have a zombie cocktail or 3 for me.

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