One year....before that 6 months for several years which was much more to my liking...Now, 6 weeks,, that's what I'm talking about!!!!! Yet, looks like it is a year this time too!
One year....before that 6 months for several years which was much more to my liking...Now, 6 weeks,, that's what I'm talking about!!!!! Yet, looks like it is a year this time too!
LOL! Pool!
For us it's a year - can only go in the summer.......
We've been planning for about a year and half but I didn't think it would happen until around November of last year.. And I've wanted to experience Jamaica for a long time now
Last trip was in April 2010. Next trip is planned in April 2015 for our wedding anniversary. Maybe earlier. I'm on withdrawal
One Love
A year has been for me as well.When I started going in 2003, it was every six months for about 7 years.I was there in November but don't see it happening this summer and I'm sick about it
<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a><br><a href="">Gloustershire Hotel: Jamaica Hotel</a>
55 years... and then we discovered Negril 4 years ago. It's been an annual visit ever since!;10745;0/st/20130406/e//k/0327/event.png
We go once a year! Started going in 1999 and think we only missed 2004. Think and talk about it all year. Probably drive friends and family crazy!
It was always a year between trips for me from when i first went in 93 and went every year through March 2005. Its now 8 years and growing since I have been back.
Once a year but twice this year...Yay!! hope to keep twice a yr goin!
We returned from Cozumel in November 2012 and booked our trip to Negril last week, first time we've ever
Started a 6 month countdown!