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Thread: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

  1. #381

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Schuttzie, I wish I researched the place before I went. I think its important for people who are considering going for the first time to understand the "healing powers" aspect of Bath Fountain. From what I'm finding out now it's more chemical than spiritual. I'm glad you like the picture.

  2. #382

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Rasta Steve was in the parking lot when we arrived. He introduced himself to me and said he would be escorting me.

    Before we even got to the bridge leading to the path to the springs, I let him know I wasn’t getting a massage and that I was there to see what it’s all about and to take pictures. I told him I heard nothing but great things about the place and had to check it out. All of that was understood by him. Again I asked it if was okay for me to be there and take pictures but no massage. He said yes so we began the trek.

    It was a little bit of a challenge walking the uphill path and being careful of where to step, but Rasta Steve was patient and helped me through the uneven areas. I enjoyed the invigorating walk and was proud I was able to keep up with little assistance. I am clumsy by nature.

    Rasta Steve stopping along the way to have a drink of water.

  3. #383

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    I've not been there but I've heard many good things, too.

  4. #384

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    vi, you have driven through my daily stomping grounds . . . i can literally smell the air . . . rasta steve is soo respectful not pushy like the young boys.
    i just booked my april reach for 2 weeks and will devote to portland and blue mountains, just the last three days for the beach, that's my plan.

    one year, i hit the harvest of cane . . . it's back breaking work but really interesting to know how it's sectioned off and how the men get paid for the work they do.

    thanks for reminding me how much i've missed the last two years.

  5. #385

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Quote Originally Posted by Schuttzie View Post
    I've not been there but I've heard many good things, too.
    Whatever you heard, Schuttzie is true. The only caution I read were the guys along the road who try to get business are agressive so it's adviseable to drive to the gate area and make your arrangements inside.

  6. #386

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Jitterbug, the first time I rode between St. Thomas and Port Antonio it was at night. NOT a fun ride at all and said I would NEVER travel that route again. But after seeing it during the day and stopping at the places along the way I can’t wait to do it again.

    I’m so happy you will be doing mainly Portland. I get excited for anyone going there, but you already know what to expect so your reach is going to be a guaranteed good time.

    Regarding the harvesting, is getting rid of the dangerous bugs another reason they burn the crops?

  7. #387

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    The minute I reached the massage area I knew this was not for me and wanted to turn around and go back.

    I felt that my presence was intrusive. Why?? Because I hate everything this place stands for. I don’t like spas and I hate massages. Even the sight of someone being massaged stirs anxiousness inside me.

    It’s not a phobia, it’s a dislike of having a stranger’s hands touching all over my body even for professional purposes. I deal with it when it comes to doctors, but that’s it. I don’t do massages.

    Silly me. I thought the (tropical) environment I’m so in love with would overshadow what is done here. Yeah its outside in a most beautiful natural setting..but it is undeniably a spa.

    Before I continue the experience I want to make it clear that it is NOT my intent to criticize Bath Fountain at all and I will go out of my way to choose my workds carefully to make sure I don't. However, if after reading this anyone feels my post may damage the good reputation of Rasta Steve or hurt the business then please let me know and I’ll pull this partifular post.

  8. #388

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Please feel free to express your views...they are after all YOUR views!

    Everyone isn't going to like every aspect of Jamaica.....or any where for that matter....that's why God made us all individuals, we have the right to THINK differently, enjoy different experiences, parishes, even food....

    yes that HILL is no joke but worth it in the end

    carry on please, I'm interested in reading your take on the place etc

  9. #389

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    I get creeped out by the thought of a stranger (professional or not) massaging me too. not relaxing for me at all. but I could sit in a mineral wata pool all day!

  10. #390

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Thank you Sammy. I adore you! You know more than only one on earth that I'll defend anything Jamaican to the bitter end. Fortunately, the blame for me not enjoying myself there is strictly mine and NOT Bath Fountain or those that work there...yet I still feel compelled to include the experience in the report. This is the reason I included the disclosure.

    Goldilocks...I thought I could too.

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