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Thread: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

  1. #441

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Thank you so much Negrill1990. I'm smiling all over the place reading your words. WELCOME to the ride and YES there is plenty more on the way.

  2. #442

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Stopped in Long Bay to have my meal at one of my favorite places, but was disappointed to hear the chef took a job elsewhere. His cooking was outstanding. Ladies are doing the cooking now.

    I had brown stew pork which was really good and they gave plenty. But it just wasn’t the same not seeing my friend pop out to ask if everything is okay or to fill my water glass. Always wore the biggest smile. You know how you get used to seeing certain people at certain places. It’s as if their present, not necessarily the business, made the place special to you.

    I asked the ladies where he went and they happily told me. I appreciated that so much I will definitely eat there at least once a visit.

  3. #443

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Thanks for the report and pictures, vi....So nice to see Portie. Going back again in March...counting the days. What a beautiful area Port Antonio is, truly amazing! Thanks again!

  4. #444

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    Hi brazz,

    I appreciate you supporting the report. I'm having a good time reliving the experience. Not so bitter sweet writing it since I'm making plans to return soon. I want to say it's also an honor that you commented. 6 Posts!! Yeap, a real honor.

    When people ask me “where” in Jamaica I’m going, I get blank stares when I say Port Antonio. I love it!!! All I have to say after that is Portland is nothing like the other parishes you may be familiar with. You want to know just how different, go see for yourself.

    I hope I’ve given you some ideas for day trips…regardless; you know you will have a marvelous time just being there.

  5. #445

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    I get the same strange looks too....but I just smile knowing I have a secret paradise to look forward to. We are bringing a newbie couple with us this time, can't wait to show them the real Jamaica.....
    You did give me an idea for the Under di rock bar, thank you! The rest I have been to before, unless you have more secret places to come. Please keep it coming!!

  6. #446

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    ahhhhhhh yessss "secret paradise" says it all. I have more shots of places I plan to post, but only two are new experiences for me. You probably have already been to them. If you decide to go to Under the Rock, I'm confident you and your group will have a really good time. Oh and brazz, since you are not new to Portland, feel free to suggest restaurants or escapes I haven't mentioned. I'm keeping a list as well.

  7. #447

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    This is where my chef friend is now making those to-die-for meals. It’s about a mile from the other place going towards Port Antonio. I remember seeing the construction starting during my August 2012 visit and thought what a cool place that is going to be. Now it’s up and running. Looking fabulous. I don’t know the name of it, but will soon. If my belly wasn’t full, I would have stopped for a drink and checked the place out. But now it’s become one of the many spots I look forward to visiting.

    I asked a freind to peek in and they said it's nice inside. The prices are good. Nice menu selection.

    Hey...all I wanted to know if it's still open. I can't wait to eat with that view in the background.

  8. #448

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    On the way back, I was trying to decide what to do the rest of the day. Well, to be exact, I mean that evening after I shower, rest a little then change. But remembered I was checking out of Match Resort the next day and although packing up my stuff won’t take that long, it left me feeling a little sad and unmotivated to get into anything beyond that.

    Granted it’s not as depressing as packing the night before leaving the island, but it does come with a measure of misery to head off from anyplace in Jamaica you aren’t ready to bid goodbye to. I knew I wouldn’t make it back there before my departure day so for me and Match this was so long for now.

    This will be my first time at this next place. Although beautiful from top to bottom, it will be different. Going from a hotel to a guesthouse will be an adjustment. But after seeing it, I couldn’t say no.

    Have to make a note to stop at the above restaurant during the next reach...that paint job is something else.

    I did a lot today but it wasn’t overwhelming or tiresome. So I need to take my mind away from these less than happy thoughts and enjoy the rest of this gorgeous sunlight. I love being in Jamaica during daylight saving time…I’ll take all the daylight I can get and soak it up till the sun is tired of looking down at me…lol

  9. #449

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    did I hear you say BROWN STEW PORK...............yes, I did...well here I am ready to enjoy it!!!!!!!

    enjoying the ride babydoll, keep it coming.........

  10. #450

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    Re: Simply Portland...Utterly Devine

    I love being in Jamaica during daylight saving time…I’ll take all the daylight I can get and soak it up till the sun is tired of looking down at me…lol[/QUOTE]

    Yes, I love take every moment in the sun that I can!

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