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Thread: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

  1. #1

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    Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    With my counter moving inside the 45 day mark (yippee!!!!) its time to make my transportation arrangements. I've just realized that given our flight times, we are going to need to leave Grand Pineapple for the airport 10:30-11 on December 7 - the morning of the reggae marathon. GP is of course on the route and the marathon website says that Norman Manley is going to be closed to all but a free Juta shuttle 4am-noon.

    When hubby and I travel, we are get to the airport early people, so I don't want to be waiting on Norman Manley hearing about it being no problem as my flight time draws ever nearer. I just don't want that kind of stress.

    Does anyone have any experience from previous years getting out of their beach road resorts on the marathon morning? Are we going to have to take a shuttle to one end of the route to meet our driver? There is a part of me wondering if we should change up our plans and head to MoBay the night before so it isn't an issue, but we've only booked 3 days on the beach and I don't really want to cut that short.

    Am I worried about nothing?

  2. #2

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    All hotels provide names to Reggae Marathon of Guests departing to transport company . No worries cheer on the runners when you leave.

  3. #3

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    It has been my experience that by 11:00 AM there are usually just "stragglers".
    I feel you pain though. It always makes us nervous that the roads are tied up like that.

  4. #4

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    there shouldn't be any *worries* ---- because there's many-more than one-way and/or road(s), to get to (and from) MoBay (i.e., the airport)

    in fact, there're some GREAT-alternatives::::>> such as scenic back-roads. And/or go-via SavLaMar

    as i recall, the marathon route is a loop,
    which turns-around at GreenIsland:::: once you've gotten beyond that point, it's all-good (i.e., *normal*)

    in-Jamaica, a *lesson* i've *learned*:::>>> there's DEFINITE-ly more than one-way to skin a cat.

    again:::>>> NO worries..!!
    ... don't fret
    '..they..' WILL get you out (& into) Negril ---- trus me --- you will NOT miss your plane

    no problem
    be hapPpy

  5. #5

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    additionally (somewhat related),

    Once-upon-a-time, on my way to the airport (to depart), with a private-driver, there was a HUGH-back-up traffic-jam, detour just outside MoBay, near the water reservoir thing-y, due to some kind of road-work.

    The vans & buses hired by the big resorts had police escorts which shepherd-ed them ahead-of and around the long-line of waiting & backed-up vehicles.

    I started to panic,
    but my driver told me to *relax*
    as he turned off the main road
    and took an alternate-route
    around the back-up.

    again:::>> NO worries..!!..

    NEVER-forget:::>> that as a *visitor*/tourist to the island, you've got *special-privileges*, clout, juice, etc ---- i call it the '..tourist-card..'
    Last edited by smith744; 10-14-2013 at 10:51 AM.
    be hapPpy

  6. #6

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    wata taxi

  7. #7

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    Thanks for the info- I am leaving the same day around the same time - my flight is at 2:10 pm -and I was planning on taking the bus but was wondering what the impact of the marathon would be on it.

  8. #8

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    they start the race early-early...by mid day it is almost history......
    take the round a bout out of Negril to Sav and take the back way....nicer
    "One of the laundry gals pipes up ,,"LOOK AT DA BLOOD"
    "YES,THAT WOULD BE MINE" I said as my leg that at first gave no pain, started dishing it out in large bunches........"

    want more read our blog? our first trip.........http://negril.com/forum/entry.php?58...-The-Beginning

  9. #9

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    Re: Escaping the Reggae Marathon?

    Quote Originally Posted by gailnegril View Post
    All hotels provide names to Reggae Marathon of Guests departing to transport company . No worries cheer on the runners when you leave.
    Thanks for your reply Gail. Just to clarify, does this mean that my private driver (red plate) will be allowed to drive in to pick me up or that the transport company will be there to shuttle me to my driver?

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