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Thread: Jamaica 100 years ago, 1913.

  1. #11

    User Info Menu

    Re: Jamaica 100 years ago, 1913.

    Awesome video, PGW! Where did you find it? Amazing! There is a Bogue Island in North Carolina, but I found this on the internet:
    Isognomon alatus (flat “oyster”): Reported to occur naturally in Oyster Bay, Falmouth; Bogue Island, Montego Bay; Port Royal, Kingston and Drainage Channel, St. Thomas. The two members of the study group saw thick clusters of these oysters attached to poles and mangrove roots in a tidal creek at Green Island. A literature survey has not revealed any reports of commercial or experimental culture trials. On the north coast the flat oysters are collected and sold fresh or pickled in brine.
    FROM: http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/q5739e/Q5739E15.htm

    Huh! Who knew?

  2. #12

    User Info Menu

    Re: Jamaica 100 years ago, 1913.

    Yeah, who knew, this is becoming an educational site!
    Trip #59 most of February

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