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Thread: ?? modem & wireless-router::: should i take with-me to Jamaica..??

  1. #1

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    ?? modem & wireless-router::: should i take with-me to Jamaica..??

    I need some feed-back, please

    long-story, short version,
    Verizon gave me a new wireless router/modem combo thing-y

    now i have *extra* modem & router
    (both in good working condition)

    my gut tells me that
    they could come in handy
    on my next trip

    right now,
    the techy-side of my little old feeble-minded brain isn't working::: but i KNOW there's some-way/some-how these things can be of use to-me on my trip.

    any *thoughts* from any of you-all.....??..

    one more question::::::
    anybody(s) got any thoughts, feed-back, experiences with internet service in the country-side, hills & valleys & bush of Jamaica....???...

    what are the residents using..??... for internet hook-ups..??.. ... land-lines.... cell-towers ... cell phones... ??????????????

    i know the technology is there,
    and many many many Ja-folks (ESPECIALLY the young-folk, students, etc.) have smart-phones, laptops, tablets, etc.,,, but how are they connecting to the web...??..

    this is important for me:::: to post trip reports, and for my internet-radio addiction

    please help me please, please, pretty-please

    p.s...... for me, in-Lucea-country, a land-line hook-up is NOT an option.
    Last edited by smith744; 11-06-2013 at 11:47 AM.
    be hapPpy

  2. #2

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    Re: ?? modem & wireless-router::: should i take with-me to Jamaica..??

    Hardly anyone is using landline hook ups anymore unless you were an existing C&W/Lime customer or lucky enough to be in one of the few towns that Flow offers internet service. Digicel has the most connections islandwide using their cell system.

    The Digicel 4G Mobile (cellphone) connection seems to be the current fastest of the cell connections but the regular Digi broadband has been getting slower of late.

    Most people are connecting using a dongle or tethering their computer to their cellphone - Digicel plan costs are as low as j$50 a day.

    Check out the options available on the Digicel and Lime websites.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  3. #3

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    Re: ?? modem & wireless-router::: should i take with-me to Jamaica..??


    a ba-zillion times, Mr. B-drive

    WILL do..!!..
    be hapPpy

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    Re: ?? modem & wireless-router::: should i take with-me to Jamaica..??

    Rob - what's the mobile device (router) from digicel --- a friend is using it and she says it's brillant -- she can travel around with her computer and have wifi ---- not tethered to her phone

    ETA: green packet - WIMaX - Indoor CPE

    she's been EXTREMELY happy with it . . .
    Last edited by Seveen; 11-06-2013 at 02:11 PM.

  5. #5

    User Info Menu

    Re: ?? modem & wireless-router::: should i take with-me to Jamaica..??

    I would be very careful before getting rid of that old modem/router, regardless of what Verizon is telling you... Try to close that account and suddenly they will either want it back or expect you to pay for it!

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