I have read numerous times that your night will be better with the company of a local. So with that said, I'm going to give some insight to a great guy on the West End. I love late night in Negril and have a few peeps who I look forward to hanging out with. Whether it is a chill night at Eddie's, taking in a show at Roots or Bourbon Beach, or hitting a club at night, it is better spent with someone in the know. My last reach I spent countless hours in numerous places with a man named Bobo. He is a wood carver who sets up across from Rockhouse.

My man crush is not recent, as we have hung out for years. Heck, he was a major player at Booger's 420 party. My wife is always along for the ride and he has shown nothing but RESPECT to her at all times. If you want to have a good time, look for Bobo. You can usually find him at Eddie's or his shop across from Rockhouse. We had some amazing fun just chilling at The Corner Bar across the street on the benches. A little goes a long way with this man.