The day had finally come after much anticipation, planning, re-planning and panic, I was finally getting on a plane alone and travelling to Jamaica. Alone ..ack! I was nervous and surprisingly ill prepared as I had forgotten my e-ticket at work. I woke up in a haze unfortunately it was from the one too many Jager shots I had done in celebration of the beginning of my vacation the night before.

Note to self, do not get drunk again before your trip. Rushing around in the morning getting the last little bits together and out the door.

It wasn’t until I was on the plane that I had a moment of clarity and calmness that I looked down at myself and thought,
"WHAT IN THE HELL AM I WEARING???”“ A baseball cap tank top with a sweater over it and track pants?? Track pants that I don’t normally wear outside of the house. Good job Amanda and to think I was going to meet an old friend I hadn’t seen in 13 years.. No make up no hair done track pants??? Thank god it would just be me and a Taxi.

Just before take off my phone starts buzzing, it’s my sister “I know this isn’t the best time but I just wanted to let you know that Midas (my dog) is gone” I looked out of my window seat and the sound of the jet fuel washed a heavy feeling over my body as we picked up speed I silently shed a tear for my puppy that I had just rushed past on the way out the door and had forgotten to give him just one last hug.

Got off the plane, check. Went through customs, check. Weird look #1 for travelling solo, check. Luggage, check.

I walk out and think what am I doing where do I go.. I see two exits a man approaches me taxi for you?? Ummm.. maybe? I B Line it for the exit try and make it through a crowd and awww heat, sun, commotion. Where are my cigarettes? God look what I’m wearing!!!

"Taxi for the beautiful girl??" Umm I’m just going to have a smoke firss… “Amanda???” Wait what? Someone just said my name.... "AMANDA!! OVER HERE!!"